[WHPR] A Statement From the Secretary of Media

Day 4,180, 23:40 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room


Hello everyone,

today I will discuss the sequence of events and some of the decisions being made in the executive and in Congress. You may remember where I left off in my last article (which you can read here) and that is where I will begin today.

If you have bothered to pay attention lately you may have seen a series of proposals made in Congress over the past few weeks. First things first, on Day 4,162 President zRTx proposed that we embargo Bulgaria (shown below) This is due to the long-standing e-geopolitical struggle unfolding over the past few months and the recent reconstruction of our ties with many countries that we are now formally allied with under CODE.

Two days later a third Embargo was proposed by the President this time on FYROM. It was determined through debate on the forum that these Embargos were justified and considered to be beneficial to the war effort and it was thought that this would be damaging strategically to nations that oppose our order and so both of them passed without much opposition.

Three days later on Day 4,167 talks were had in Congress and a vote was conducted to propose a Resource Concession to eIreland of Cattle in exchange for 3% of eIreland’s daily Food Industry GDP.

The next day, another Resource Concession was proposed this time it being fruit in return for 2% of eIreland’s daily Food Industry.

Two days later a third Resource Concession was proposed between eIreland and eUSA being fish for 1% of eIreland’s daily Food Industry

These proposals passed.

These proposals can be viewed here:

Now comes the interesting moves we have been making overseas, you may have seen this proposal:

eUSA conducted an Airstrike on eGermany on Day 4,173. This was done to secure a foothold near france so that Bulgaria could be engaged with on the battlefield and so that we could make do some more work with our wonderful friends in CODE.

The next day eUSA proposed Peace with eThailand and the following day proposed Peace with eSaudi Arabia. This was so we wouldn't have to fix TWs multiple times a day and to free up region swaps for eGreece.

Two days later on Day 4,176 after successfully landing in eGermany, eUSA proposed a NE against eFrance and then moved into eBulgarian controlled eFrench regions following a Declaration of War against Bulgaria the next day. eGerman regions were released at that time.

The same day that the Declaration of War against eBulgaria was proposed a Mutual Protection Pact was proposed by the President of eMontenegro to eUSA. This was because we will be bringing them closer to CODE.

The next day eSerbia was proposed as a Natural Enemy. This passed very obviously due to the fact that eSerbia was a recent occupier and all around enemy of our alliance and allies.

And lastly but certainly not the least important, Just today a Declaration of War was proposed against eFrance:

In other news, if you have been paying attention to the map you will see something remarkable:

A sudden shift in power to the north of eUSA up in eCanada. We (CODE) are ensuring that everyone can have maple syrup and not just Asteria. This move is being made to remove and liberate the enemy eRomania Proxy from our northern border. May we achieve a swift victory and may Canada be freed from the clutches of eRomania-eSerbian-Asterian Control.

Anyway, this is all I have for you today, Thank you for reading and stay tuned for a statement from President zRTx which should be released soon. Make sure you get out and vote on May 5th!

~Secretary of Media~ Max Planck