[WGC] All Our Base Is Belong To Us - Take-Over Averted?

Day 492, 01:19 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn
*The following is an article from a Member Paper of the Writers' Guild of Canada*

As Day 491 of the New World rolls around it seems as though the Canadian populace has banded together and collectively repelled the malicious intents of the soulless Hungarians.

Well…not quite. I’ve spent the last days investigating the alleged take-over attempt that gripped the Canadian psyche, and I've discovered that the truth is a far cry from the macabre predicament outlined in popular Canadian media. It turns out that whatever the intentions of the BLQ Hungarians may have been, it was not an official take-over attempt by the Hungarian government. Ahead of and during election time Hungarian BLQ members who were attempting to corral votes for Canadian elections were banned from Hungarian IRC channels, and were renounced by Hungarian officials as not acting under their intentions - all official actions were directed towards Norway.

Hungarians do now hold a handful of congressional seats, but not nearly enough to have any adverse effects on our proceedings should they mean ill. Just what are the intentions of these elected Hungarians? Some of them (notably PallR and Shaok) have vowed to stay in Canada and contribute to Canadian society regardless of the outcome of the elections. Only time will dictate the value of their word.

This being said, what can we learn from this election? Was the violent reaction of the media (present company included) a frenzied and hyperbolic overreaction, or was it a stirring example of Canadian resolve in the face of danger? In the turbulent arena of eRepublikan politics and take-overs, no precautionary measures can be too stringent. However, if we transplanted the votes of just a single Canadian candidate to Norway, to where the full might of the Hungarians was focused, we could have saved one of our most important allies from a hostile Hungarian take-over.

Moreover, we’ve seen that should any major power attempt to legitimately (pardon the irony) take-over Canada, we’ll need to improve our defenses drastically to prevent it. Unlike the Norwegians who know how to deal with take-overs, and consequently spread out their votes, we had wastefully preposterous concentrations of votes in some places. The top vote getter in Canada had over 60 votes – had these been redistributed we could have with ease eradicated any BLQ representation. Despite the exhaustive efforts of JT Vanguard and others, Canadians seem to have largely ignored anti-take-over precautions.

So here are the conclusions of my investigation. The take-over was not an official government action, but was the result of a large group of Hungarians, perhaps disgruntled, who either actually thought they could take over a country of over 3000 citizens by themselves, or had honest intentions to start a new elife in Canada. Most likely our guests are some mix thereof.

I say we give the Hungarians who stick around a chance in Canadian society. If they leave, so be it – we’ll be the better for it. However, as Canadians it is in our blood to give them a chance to integrate into our country and improve the nation for it. Give them a chance to prove themselves – if they were only here for the take-over they won’t stick around and we won’t have to worry about them.

However, perhaps the most important lesson to take away from this experience is from an admonition of our reaction under threat. Should we be in this situation in the future, and should the danger be truer, I hope that we might channel the over excitable nature of our media into a more pragmatic execution of the contingency plan set out by Canadian brass.

In other words, we need to listen to those who tell us how to vote in a potential crisis. If we don’t do this next time, we may pay far more dearly than we did yesterday.