[WC4CP] Screw the Beaver, Vote for Cleaver

Day 1,744, 13:22 Published in Canada Canada by Wally Cleaver

What is this I don't even

What!! Wally Cleaver is going run for CP again? Isn't this the guy who won and disappeared five days later? Wasn't he a key member in the destruction of eCanadian parties? Don't many people view him as Public Enemy #2, second only to Rolo?

To all those questions, I say yes. There is no denying that my existence in eCanada has been controversial. I in fact did win the Presidency a year ago, and did in fact disappear shortly into my term. I had reasons which I have discussed before and am open to discuss again for those that wish to ask.

Yes, I was/am a key member in the Norsefire group that lead to the fall of MOO, CPP and EPIC. I have never denied that and will not begin to do so now. Few people, if honest with themselves, will deny that eCanadian party politics were stagnant. The Top 5 parties consisted of 5-15 active members while the rest were zombies serving only to keep a few people in power. Parties such as CPF that were more than a power base for the few were permitted to remain.

As for being Public Enemy #2, that title is has been gifted to me by those closed-minded people who see me as a troll and only a troll. Harsh and critical, yes, but rarely are my words written without considering their intent and meaning. There is always a truth to be found. It says a lot about someone who is willing to write off critical comments as simply trolling. It says they are not confident in their own opinions to present a valid backing for their claims.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Huh? "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" accurately describes the situation that eCanada is in both domestically and internationally. We are currently facing an inability to fund our Military Units at the same time as struggling to regain our regions from Poland and facing the ever potential threat from the eUSA.

Taxes and funding are largely the responsibility of Congress, which currently has discussions underway regarding these issues. I will not promise a resolution to our financial woes nor to the threat of invasion by the eUSA (if it comes to that), but I do however offer experience, a deep understanding of game mechanics, and an ability to effective address any situation.

There are many people running for eCanadian Country President this month, the majority of which have resorted to inflammatory attack articles. This is something I will not be participating in. eCanada deserves more than simple trolls not willing to express their opinions. As I have said, I am critical and speak harshly of others but will always offer wisdom and suggestions to those actually willing to hear/learn.

On September 5th, Screw the Beaver, Vote for Cleaver.

Cabinet article will follow in the coming days.