[WAS NEVER CP] Day 1314 Battle Suggestions

Day 1,314, 13:24 Published in Canada Canada by Killswitch

Hello eCanada,

In absence of direction from government on where exactly we should fight, I'd like to to make a friendly suggestion that you should all drop by Manitoba and fight the resistance war there. Yes yes, I understand the USA is dying and that we'll all be sauerkraut to the Polski's soon, but why not save Manitoba from Spanish misery for the little while left we have on eEarth? Plus if we win, it will add a whole extra day to how fast Poopland can invade us! If you need supplies or food, you're reading the wrong article. Moving instructions are redundant because we're not at war with Spain.

Carry on eCanada,


PS: If you haven't figured it out by now, this isn't a real battle order but merely a suggestion. Just clarifying because I know some idiot will complain. Cheerio.