| War comes to Thailand |

Day 525, 06:09 Published in Thailand Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

My Fellow citizens,

After consulting with my staff and some congressman I decided that eThailand needs something new in its history.

That something new is: War.

Let me explain the reasons why:

As all of you know eThailand has no High Raw Materials, and because they are the most important resource a country can have we are going to take some.

The financial boost we will get from the new High Resource and the new players we will get, will give us an extra income.

The THB will increase in value from all the new players and companies.

We are going to take a region from a PTOed country.

They are not a lot of choices of which country to invade so you’ll probably guess it:
It’s Malaysia.

We are going to invade the capital region of our neighbor Malaysia and take the High Oil they have and we so hopelessly need.

President of eThaliand

(I’m sorry for the shortness of the article but I am pressed for time at the moment. Later in the day a new article will be written.)

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