★★★ W A R ★★★ [CRO/ENG]

Day 816, 07:47 Published in Croatia Croatia by marac2809

[English version is down.]

Postovani citatelji mojih eNovina StreetNewz danas sam htio progovoriti opcenito o ratu u ovoj igri. Svakodnevno se vode neki ratovi po ovom eSvijetu i to pretezito izmedu EDEN.a i PHOENIX.a saveza.

Svaki od tih saveza misli kako je on bolji i kako se on, navodno, bori za slabije zemlje i samo stiti svoje interese i svatko govori kako on nije agresor vec pomaze drugim zemljama. I onda kada suparnicki savez pokrene neku ofenzivu na neku zemlju odma se krece sa propagandom kako je ta zemlja aggressor, kako samo unistava manje zemlje i otima njihove regije sa high resursima i slicne stvari.

Po meni su to gluposti. Naravno da svaki savez zeli ispasti bolji od onog drugog koji je kao losiji, no da li je jedan savez bolji od drugog zbog toga sto on “ne napada”?
Svi mi zelimo vidjeti svoju zemlju kao pobjednicu, kao velesilu, kao jako bogatu zemlju sa puno high regija. I svi oni koji kazu da to nije istina lazu.

A kako to postici? Pa jedino moguce rijesenje je rat! Bez rata ne moze niti jedna zemlja osvojiti nijednu regiju,ne moze postati velesila, ne moze postati bogata.

Takoder svi znamo da ovu igru pokrece rat, jer bez rata ova igra postaje dosadna, bez rata se smanjuje potrosnja proizvoda sa marketa i zbog toga padaju place.
Ovo je igra i trebamo ju igrati na najbolji moguci nacin na koji mozemo, sto znaci da se mora ratovati i prestanite prodavati price o tome kako neka zemlja napada slabije zemlje od sebe i slicne price kad svi znamo da i jedni i drugi napadaju „slabije“ zbog svojih vlastitih interesa.

[English version]

Dear readers of my eNewspapers StreetNewz today I want to speak about war in this game. Everyday there is some war going on in eWorld. Mostly between EDEN and PHOENIX alliances.

Each of those alliances thinks that they are better and how they are fighting for weaker countries and just protects his interests and everybody says that they aren’t aggressors. And than when opposite alliance starts an offense on some country immediately starts propaganda that that country is aggressor, that they are attacking weaker countries then they are and taking their regions with high resources and things like that.

If you ask me, all of this things are nonsenses, of course every alliance wants to be better than the other. But, is one alliance better than the other because they „aren't attacking“?
All of us wants to see our country as a winner, as a big force, as a very rich country with many high regions. And all of those who say it's not true, they are lying.

And how can we achieve that? Well, the only possible solution is war! No country can conquer any region, can't become big force or become wealthy without a war.

Also we all know that this game is being powered by war, because without a war this game becomes boring, without a war, search for products on market as well as salaries are decreasing.
This is a game and we need to play it as better as we can, so we need to keep the war going and stop selling stories how one country is attacking weaker countries and similar stories when we all know that everybody is attacking „weaker“ because of our own interests.

Sorry for my bad English.
