[VP]Poland NE, Mexico and More.

Day 1,183, 21:14 Published in USA USA by GoalieBCSC

To the American people,

Several issues have come before us the last few days.

1.The Polish Government has officially contacted me about the NE declaration that had many of us surprised. I have an assurance from their President that it will be voted down. For anyone that has had the pulldown tab options in-game, you know how hard it is to sometimes click the right one.

2. Our congress is currently debating issues on Accountability within the military. This is a heated issue and the debate has been wonderful. A final proposal should come out soon.

3. Our swap with Mexico has been going well. We are almost done with the job. We are asking you to please not fight for the US while these swaps are going on. We have two more regions to go to finish our agreement with Mexico. We are looking elsewhere to acquire deer, more will come as that develops

4. Every night we fight we solidify our relations with our new allies. Please follow and subscribe to The DoD orders as we have them up.

5. The Treasury Department has been keeping a very watchful eye over the economy. These past few days there has been a noticeable change in the Monetary Market. This has led to decreased value of the USD in comparison to Gold. While not immediately troubling for the nation’s economy, it is STRONGLY recommended that all citizens hold onto their USD until the price for gold falls. All indications show that the USD will gain value over the long term and selling your USD now will be fiscally irresponsible for both yourself and for the country.
