"Vote for parrot for an another wasted month of an inactive presidency."

Day 500, 14:38 Published in South Korea Poland by Parrot
"Vote for FRANCIS DEBOYLE however, to get a good president who's there"
"Vote for Francis DeBoyle! Parrot; not that active. His goals should have been achieved already."
"Vote for Francis DeBoyle tomorrow! For actual change!"

All these were yelled by Francis DeBoyle in South Korea's message box; messages of hope and change; change from what? People knew not. But, just change.

And, I took the butt of his criticism as the incumbent president. I took the butt for trying to do my best. I was insulted for serving my country; unjustly.

Francis sai😛
"Parrot has not done much for Korea from my point of view. Yes, he has done much more than past ones, but like he said, and what is quite obvious, he has not got much time for eRepublik. He set himself goals, of which some of them, to a certain point, were achieved. He did not give many government jobs, for example.

And, Francis promised to change.

So, allow me to compare myself to Francis using his criticism:

1."He has not got much time for eRepublik"
Checking Francis's newspaper, he produced six articles during his presidency. And, within the past 20 days(or, the last 2/3rds of his term), he has produced only two articles.
Compare it to my newspaper publications during while I was president. Countining only articles regarding to the presidency, there are 15.

That's 150% more than Francis's publications.

2."He set himself goals, of which some of them, to a certain point, were achieved. "
Now, I'll say some my goals weren't achieve; which was why I was seeking a second term. You can only do so much during one time period. I was constantly working on them though; you can check my previously listed paper.

Let's check Francis's goal list though, and compare it to what he actually did.

A."To have a mixed economy"
Out of the top five companies in South Korea, none of them are government run. In short, this economy is not a mixed economy.

B."Creating government positions "
Didn't happen. He started to say he was going to,, but if you check his paper, the only person he appointed was Peter, who I had already appointed and already held that position. He didn't create any new positions at all. He just reiterated what I did after criticizing me for it.

C."To lower unemployment and inflation in the country,"
Unemployment was never a problem to begin with. Secondly, inflation DID lower during his administration, but he never did anything to combat it. It just happened to happen.

So, as we have seen, Francis really didn't accomplish any of his goals at all.

3."He did not give many government jobs, for example."
South Korean Weapons was actually higher on the employment list during my administration than it is right now. It was within the top five, now it's not there at all.

And, Francis concludes with:
"I believe I can do more than Parrot did. "
So, what did Francis accomplish?

He directly plagiarized my citizen message and just changed up a few words here and there to mean the same thing. (The original I wrote is found here.)

And, what else? Not much at all. Not much at all.

I post this not as a criticism of Francis but rather as a signal Korea. Most of you haven't been in the political spectrum as long as I have. Most of you don't know what people do in this game's politics.

You see, most people in this game just want power. They want to get elected for the medal and then not execute the power of the office. Locally, this has resulted in three Korean presidents who sat on their tails during their administrations not accomplishing anything, really.

Most countries don't actually have any people that want to do anything. They have a bunch of lazy people that sit around, don't do anything, resulting in nothing getting done. And every now and then, someone publishes articles, gets elected, and goes inactive.

South Korea: you're under the threat of that happening again. Right now, I don't believe the presidential candidates being proposed are going to actually do anything for South Korea. Really, I don't. And as a result, you're going to have another almost stagnant month of government where nothing gets done.

You can stop this though. There are two people in your country that can make this country better and will actually work for it. And those two are Alfagram and Aarons-Miller. Both of them actually care about what exactly's done in government and have the experience and will to actually do things. As for Brodie, I can't be sure. I don't know the guy. Whether or not he does something, you'll find out. But I'm telling you, Aarons Miller or Alfagram would do good. Consider them one of these days.

Take this advice or not; I don't care. I'm in Switzerland working for the Theocrats right now because they know how to run a country without fancy political talk and empty promises. To be honest, it'd actually probably just be best if everyone in this country became a Theocrat.