[VOTATI] Sanatatea mai eficienta la 50+ [VOTE] Wellness more efficient at 50+

Day 787, 22:17 Published in Romania Romania by Alexionus
[RO] Trombonul Carpatin - Volumul 1, Numarul 1, 15 Ianuarie, 2010
(English follows)

Daca ai sanatatea la 50+ primesti mai multa sanatate de la casa si mincare in eRepublik, comparat cu procentul cel primesti la 90+. Dupa aceea, lupti odata, folosesti spitalul Q5, lucrezi la 90+ (maxim), apoi mai lupti de 4 ori in acea zi, si te antrenezi la sfirsit - te opresti iar la 50+!

Ce parere aveti? Daca toata natiunea lucreaza la 90+ si maninca la 50+, maximizam si productivitatea si frugalitatea. Sanatatea se mareste mai usor la nivel mai mic: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Wellness

Singurul dezavantaj care ar fii cind ramii la 50+ sanatate pentru restul zilei este ca in situatie de urgenta mai poti lupta doar odata slab ( pina la 40+), max de doua ori in acea zi (pina la 30+), fara posibiliatea de a mai folosi spitalul... La 90+ ai o rezerva de 5 atacuri din care 4 sunt mai tari (90+, 80+, 70+, 60+) decit cel de la 50+.

Beneficiul pe termen lung al sanatatii marite pentru toti, la un cost mai mic, comparat cu rezerva maxima de atac - este o decizie de strategie care trebuie discutata.

In medie, atacurile zilnice sunt la aceeasi tarie, numai ordinea se schimba, atunci cind maninci la 90+, lucrezi la max, lupti de 5 ori, vizitezi spitalul si apoi te antrenezi (ce se recomanda peste tot acum).

Nota: Te antrenezi dupa lupta, sa nu scazi puterea loviturilor tale. Uneori diferenta dintre antrenamentul inainte sau dupa lupta este diferenta dintre victorie si infringere pe cimpul de lupta (la zidul de caramizi 🙂

De retinut: Imbunatatirea maxima de sanatate este la nivel scazut in eRepublik!

Iesi in lume, esti asteptat!

Multumesc pentru comentarii, vot si subscriptie,

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[EN] The Carpathian Trombone - Volume 1, issue 1, January 15, 2010
(Romaneste mai sus)

If you keep wellness at 50+, you benefit more from your food and house in eRepublik, compared to the percentage wellness you get when you eat at 90+. After that, fight once, heal, work at 90+ wellness (day's maximum), then fight four more times, then train at the end and stop again at 50+!

What do you think? If the nation works at 90+ and eats at 50+, we maximize both productivity and efficiency. Welness improves easier at low levels: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Wellness

The only disadvantage could be that if your wellness is at 50+ for the rest of the day, in an emergency you can only fight once weakly (to 40+ wellness), or at most twice (to 30+), without the possibility of using the hospital again that day... At 90+ you have the potential to attack 5 more times , out of which 4 attacks (from 90+, 80+, 70+, and 60+) are stronger than 50+...

The long term benefit to the nation of increased, cheaper wellness for everybody eating at 50+, compared with keeping the maximum spare wellness at 90+ for surprise attacks - is a strategic decision that I think needs to be debated.

On average, the daily attacks have the same strength, only the order is changed, when you eat at 90+ (for little benefit), work at max wellness, fight 5 times, heal, then train.

Note: Training should be after fighting, since the increased wellness before training has a greater impact on damage than the increased strength you get from regular training. Sometimes the difference between training before or after the fight is the difference between victory or defeat on the battlefield (building or wrecking the brick wall 🙂

Remember: Max wellnes gain is at lower health in eRepublik!

Get out there, the world is waiting!

http://www.halloweenpartystore.com/Images/Products/Bedside-Nurse.jpg" alt="obrazek" title="http://www.halloweenpartystore.com/Images/Products/Bedside-Nurse.jpg" width="300" />

Thank you for your feedback, comments, voting and subscriptions,

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