휴가 신청서 / Vacation proposal

Day 1,298, 07:19 Published in South Korea South Korea by lcome

나 오늘부터 10일만 휴가주셈 ㅇㅇ
나 휴가 안주면 힘들어서 레알 이리퍼 접을래...
장관 바꾸고 싶으면 바꿔 ㅇㅇ
나 어디에 있는지 알지? 근데 협상은 없음.
아참, 네이트온 msn 페북 차단해놓음 ㅇㅇ

국회의원들과 시민들에게,
10일만 쉴께요.
현실에서 너무 아파서 그래요 (링겔맞을정도로) 😑;;
최소한으로만 활동하겠습니다.


Dear President,
I will take a 10-day break from today.
I'm sorry about this.
However, this is necessary if you want me to see me on erepublik.
You can look for another MoD if you don't like me.
You know where to find me but there will be no negotiations about this matter.
Oh btw, I blocked you on nate on(Korean messenger), msn, and fb.

Dear congress members and citizens,
please allow me to have this vacation.
I apologize about this but I'm sick in RL.
I will do the minimum work.
