[v2] PrinceOfAustria's opinion on Version 2

Day 936, 14:17 Published in Austria Austria by PrinceOfAustria
Dear readers.

Btw I'll rewrite this in a few days as my opinion may change

Today I want to share my first impression of the long awaited "Version 2" of eRepublik.
I joined the open beta only today, so i dont fully get everything yet, but I do have an idea of how things will change.

So first of all I'm sure people will have a hard time figuring out how the new system works. the production system is very complex, fighting is confusing and so on.
Apart from that everything looks exciting and new.
Yet, right now I'm afraid of V2.

Me at this very moment

So first of all everything will depend on gold way more than it does now.
I was given 600 gold for trying out the beta, which is fine of course. This way i guess they want us not to notice how much gold is required.
For example, you can fight only twice (more or less) for free. After that you'll have to buy wellnesspacks. The good thing is, they are quite cheap (0.5 gold for 20 wellness), which will make tanking more easy. Yet, as hospitals only inflict a certain (quite small) area, tanking (thus spending gold) will be the key to winning a battle (for a battle to be won you need 70% of all fields. I guess only 10% are covered by a hospital). Also not only can you gain more "strength" by using Napoleon, no, now you can aswell gain more skill, and more Hapiness (additionally to wellness) by using certain boosters (which are bought for gold).
This will scare off many of the new players, as the difference between noobs and oldies will be even bigger as noobs dont have the money to use boosters, while oldies will.

So that was the first problem, way gold will influence the game even more.
When I joined this game one of the main reasons I stayed was that, other than in other browsergames, buying extras wasnt neccessary. Now through the new inviting system, the treasure maps, and V2, you will have to buy if you want to be successful.

V2 will certainly bring some more money into the eRepublik office

The other problem, which mainly small countries such as we, eAustria, will face, will be the complexivity.
While looking cool on the first sight, as not everyone will be doing the same, it will be very hard to keep the market stable.
As you might know there will not be "Q3 moving tickets". No, there will be tickets that allow you to move X zones, draining Y wellness, giving you Z wellness.
You see, we will need several different companies to cover, for example, wide range travels, short range tranvels and so on. Same goes for food, houses,..
Same goes for the army.
There will be 4 different types of soldiers, which each have a specific purpose (like secure mountain terrain, secure brides or rivers,..).
We only have a very limited amount of soldiers, so covering all types of soldiers on a decent level will be hard.

eAustrian army preparing for V2

All in all, V2 has a lot of potential and certainly brings some interesting updates (PvP fights f.expl), but I'm afraid the gold greed and the complexity might ruin the game 😕

Hope you liked this article, feel free to discuss in the comments.
