[UZ]First ambassador report from eHungary

Day 1,248, 04:43 Published in Austria Austria by csaba.pinter

Hello everyone,
as eAustrian ambassador in eHungary, i had the idea, to make interview with the current Government. Here is my first interview with mobra, the eHungarian president:

1. How is it like, to work in the government of a world power? (in this case, leading it)
- Work-and time-consuming. And a lot of responsibility.

2. What kind of relationship you have/had with eAustria during your game?
-I got there my first congress medal. But even after I get back to help, if someone asked. But it was mutual, you also came to help us against eRomania as well, sometimes with your own equipment.

3. Are there plans for the near future about us? I am thinking here of economic relations, military alliances, to improve diplomatic relations, etc.
-Improve diplomatic relations? Well... I do not really see an opportunity to do so. And there is nothing to fix. If we may create the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but it is not possible in the game, to do this. To abolish eAustria, and creating a Monarchy is meaningless, even gold loss.

4. What kind of problems you encounter day to day during leading the country?
-Well, there is never enough right person for anything. Of course, this is so simplistic, but to explain, it requires a multi-page essay to explain.

5. As we know, eHungary is at war in multiple fronts. how is this game style effects the the eHungarian economy?
-Actually, several fronts in the war can be dangerous. But the war itself is good, it drives the economy. Increase the state expenditure but also revenue.

6. What kind of advice can you give to our beginners and our advanced citizens?
-Beginners: Do not spend the gold unnecessarily! Don't fight too much, just as many you are capable to work next day with full wellness without spending gold. Advanced players: You are now professionals, how to give you an advice? Maybe I have one, what I say long time ago: Establish raw material companies, instead low-level weapons company, and from the profit buy Q5 weapons. Better for you, and for your country, because more damage you can cause in battle.

And here are some information about eHungary too:

President: mobra

Rank: 3

Total citizens: 18952

Regions (16):
-Central Hungary
-Central Transdanubia
-Northern Great Plain
-Northern Hungary
-Southern Great Plain
-Southern Transdanubia
-Western Transdanubia

Country trading embargoes:

-Hatarontuli Magyar Szovetseg 36%
-Magyar Hazafiak Partja 27%
-A KARD 12%
-A Turul Nepe 6%
-481-es Mozgalom 18%

Natural enemy:
No current Natural Enemy

-New Zealand
-Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
-South Africa
-United Arab Emirates

And some pictures from RL Hungary: