[USWP] The Workers of the 70th Congress

Day 2,137, 16:31 Published in USA USA by Dauntless2000

Good Day America and my fellow Workers

After a long election day, the workers that will join the 70th Congress has been chosen by your USWP leadership council and all of the Americans that stood up and had their voice heard by voting in the election. At this time I want to show you the members of the Worker’s party that will be representing the people of the United States

The Front-runner for the Workers is Inwegen.

Inwegen has been a citizen of our great nation since 2008. He has held a number of positions in the cabinets of many presidents like Chief of Staff, Secretary of State, and many others. He has a huge amount of experience knowing how the government works and how to get things done. His main goal that he continues to push is to keep this nation the greatest out there and help it adapt to the changes that it faces to keep on that path. His ideas, experience, and passion to make our fragmented society whole is the big reason he is our front-runner in congressional candidates. He is definitely Speaker material as well, the person to lead our congressional caucus so we can do great things for this country and its people.

The second worker going to congress is Deepchill.

Deepchill has done much for the Feds during his time there. We are glad to have him join the USWP and also all of the experience that he brings with him. He was for one year a member of the Feds leadership, including several terms as their FBI director until he left. He is also the current commanding officer of Easy Company, one of the US’s big private military units. He stated that his reason for running was to become more involved, well we are glad to be sending him to congress where he can be a great help to the workers doing the work of the American people.

The last one of the big three is Rainbow Slash.

After being gone for much of 2012 and 2013, Rainbow has returned and joined the USWP again about 3 months ago. In the past he has been involved in various political exploits in the eUnited States and ePakistan. He was born during the PEACE invasion, his first real political success was with the USWP when he joined congress with them (although secretly loyal to S.E.E.S.) and later became a leader of Emerick’s SEES, directing their kongressional elections. Later having heard the call to arms by Max McFarland and his band of misfits, he headed over to Pakistan to fight for Pakistan after PTOing it from the local populace. After quitting for nearly 2 years, he has returned to make a name for himself, and has done so by getting deeply involved in the USWP.

The Rohirrim for the number four slot

A man who has lead his fellow Romanians in the fight against the AFA. He is proud to be a member of our great country that he made sure to tell me about his large amount of True Patriot awards. We are glad to have him, and he is like a true member of the Rohirrim. When the nation he loves needs help he is truly ready to answer her call.

Rounding out our top five for the workers is Valnjes

An immigrant from eCroatia after V1.5, he came because he wanted to be a part of a nation that has and still hasn’t turned its back on them. He is a member of the Anonymous squad and wanted to be a part of congress to keep advancing his career in the new world. He is dedicated to all of us, a man who will not betray the people of the United States, because we never failed him and the country of his ebirth. Goes to show that an ally one day become a member of your congress the next. One of many reasons we do what we can to support our friends.

For the sixth slot we have Kortanul.

One of the members of the 69th congress that I had the honor to serve with, Kortanul comes from EZC and has been holding the position of captain for the seventh regiment and also is their Internal Communications Officer. Kortanul has been with the workers for so long that he does not remember at all the length of time he has served. He had fun, and did his job well. Now he is coming back for more.

For the seventh slot is well, me, Dauntless2000.

I have now past eight months in the new world and being a member of the Worker’s party for the same amount of time. I have been the head of C4’s press corps, was a member of the 69th congress and now the head of the USWP’s media. This will be my second term and I will be ready for round two.

And last but not least, Our worker who has taken over the AFA, Artela.

That is right, Artela one of our party’s past country president and party president has performed a special operation and took control of the PTO party from the hands of the faux-gipper. Then again she turned her back on her original country of the United Kingdom and became an important part of the nation holding many jobs in government and in the USWP. Even when she is in the den of the enemy, she will always be a worker and a true American at heart.

So there they are, your USWP congress members of the seventh congress. We had a great number of people, worthy to be a part of congress who stepped up to make this nation better. Sadly not everyone will be a part of congress. Thank you for all of you who ran and we hope that all of you come back next month and become a part of the next bunch of workers chosen by the party and the American people that get to serve in the grand chamber of this nation’s legislative branch. Every worker should be proud of you for throwing your hat in the ring to serve your nation and your party. I also want to remind all of our new congress members to join the forum and also make sure you are able to get into the members area of the USWP. In the member’s area is your voting record area where you will file your congressional votes that you take both in-game and on the public congressional board. I also hope that your fellow workers also join us there so they can follow your work.

Until Then, Workers Stand United and Proud.
USWP Spokesman
Exitus Acta Probat-The Outcome Justifies the Deed.

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Oath of Office of a US congressman
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

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