[USA] The State of Germany [Vote up please]

Day 785, 18:00 Published in USA Germany by Alex Drex

Hello, USA. As many of you know Germany was recently conquered by Poland. Poland, being 20x larger (in amount of citizens, including inactive Germans) was able to erase Germany from the map. Germany, although completely outnumbered fought valiantly over the final two days, especially during the last stand at Saarland, which was an amazing battle. I feel it is necessary as ambassador to the US to inform you that while our country is currently occupied, we remain determined and strong. Our government continues to work and is working harder than ever on evac, etc. And I, of course, will still be working as ambassador to the US.

Many of us have move to allied countries, while some have stayed behind in Poland. However, one thing is clear, even though our country is not on the eRepublik map, our citizens and government will not, and are not standing by idly while Germany is being overrun. While we are currently refugees, the German people will not lose their resolve, and will remain ever ready to return to the Vaterland and take back what is ours.

I would like to take this time to thank everyone who supported Germany in their fight for freedom against Polish oppression, and congratulate those who fought so hard, even on the other side. The Battle of Saarland was truly amazing. Perhaps I will see some of you on the battle field, some of you fighting for the liberation of Germany from Polish rule, others fighting for Poland. Nevertheless, the next few weeks in Europe will be quite interesting.

Germany will, regardless of what happens in the coming days and weeks, eventually be back on the map, we will take our country back. See you then. 😉

P.S. Ignore the last part of my signature if you want, I just copy and paste into all my articles, I know some people were complaining about it last time I posted in USA because it mentions Phoenix. 😛

P.P.S. Thank you for Dncelyn for making an ad for this article, please vote up the other one as well:

Best Regards,
Alex Drex
-Ambassador to US and Canada
-Vice-MoFA of Germany

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.

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