[USA] So you want to have a babyboom?

Day 1,196, 16:29 Published in USA USA by Trent Lawrence

Well here you go.


These elitist liberals True Americans are always arguing with each other, they need something to fight and at that moment its each other.

However imagine if somebody came along and posted Erepublik links on all of their forums? I'm sure we'd get some people to join. Also, if you have a facebook, join the group

"Being American"

Its got roughly 180,000 people that "Like" it and we can use that to our advantage and hope that even 100 babies are born if we post links to Erepublik all over it. I for one am doing it now.

Please vote this up, you don't have to sub, this is a public service announcement. Please register on the website (It's free and easy so there's no reason not to) and "Like" the group on Facebook and start Erepublik spamming.

Also these guys: http://www.facebook.com/USAFans?sk=wall

Here's my format:

"You like being American? Join this game: http://www.erepublik.com/en

The United States is being invaded by the New World Order - The most powerful countries in game are trying to take over our land! Help me and your 20,000 fellow American's stop them. Maybe one day, you could even be elected President 😉"

What are you waiting for? GO GO GO
I'll be posting this article every hour unless I get into the top 5, whatever few subscribers I have, beware 🙂
This requires you to actually do something If you vote this, I expect you to do it.

P.S: Stop with the whole INCI + Anti-INCI debate and defend America. This is the time that the US unites and pushes out the foreign invaders like we did before. Any TRUE Americans would put aside their differences in the face of a common enemy. And while that enemy might be INCI at the polls 😉 Its NWO at our doorstep.