Day 529, 07:30 Published in Brazil Pakistan by William Walker

Hi, my name is William Walker! You may know me from other places like the forums or the great book I wrote in cooperation with Altnabla: The Book of Dio. It has sold over 45,000 copies worldwide and still is going strong!

Today I am here to talk to you about a business opportunity I want to let you in on. Invest in me, and you invest in URUGUAY'S FUTURE!!

To take part in said business venture, the future company 'Uruguay United Inc.' is offering 50 shares of it's company, valuing 0.5 gold each. The 160 shares are 40% of the company of a total 400 shares. Let us all join together and exploit these resources as soon and as fast as possible for the benifit of your wallets and my wallets.

Also dividends will be paid out monthly at a rate of 3.5%. Delicious capitalism!

Oi, meu nome é William Walker! Talvez você me conhece de outros lugares por exemplo os forums, ou que eu escrevi em cooperacao o Livro de Dio com Altnabla. Hoje eu queria falar com vocês sobre uma opportunidade!

Eu vou iniciar a economia e construir a economa no Uruguay! Investe em mim! Investe em Uruguay United Inc.!

Para participar é facil, eu vou vender 160 shares da empresa, cada 0.5 ouro. O dividendo será 3.5%!! Vamos lá! Investe no meu futuro e seu também! Hmhmmm delicioso capitalismo!

Hallo! Mein Name is William Walker! Ihr kennt mich wahrscheinlich aus dem Forum oder weil ihr euch für Dioismus interessiert habt. Ich habe ein Angebot das ihr einfach nicht abschlagen könnt!

Was ich vorhabe? Die Ökonomie von Uruguay aufzubauen.
Investiert 0.5 gold für je eine Aktie und auch ihr könnt teilhaben an der Ausbeutung niederer Länder in südlichen Gefilden! Als dank, erhaltet ihr 3,5% Dividende! Das ist Kapitalismus pur!