*UPDATED*Miliary Application Form*UPDATED*

Day 623, 05:07 Published in South Africa South Africa by South African Armed Forces
Updates: Applications are rolling in nicely, in all honesty things are looking better than I expected at first, so I am happy to announce that the Pretorian Guard’s first two platoons will be officially formed and announced tomorrow evening. Thank you all for being so prompt and eager.

Also, the positions in my staff have all been filled out, these are the people that will make sure everything runs smoothly. Here they are:

General 😒iroe(Pretty obvious this one)
Lieutenant-Colonel in charge of recruitment: Mark Morcom
Lieutenant-Colonel and general advisor: Cheesebreath
Foreign Advisor, holding no official position in the Army’s ranks: Krimpiekat
Colonel of the Pretorian Guar😛 Black8Shadow

The position of tactical advisor has yet to be filled, but seeing as there is not much need for it in the current times I won’t be naming anyone unless it becomes necessary.

Now, I will outline the general direction in which the military is going so as to prove that I didn’t get the position just because I’m the interim. President’s eHusban😛).

The first unit formed is the Pretorian Guard, which will be a “home” unit, basically it will not be deployed abroad unless there is no longer a place to call home. There are 75 spots in this unit which will be organized into 3 platoons, each headed by a Lieutenant and a Sergeant. Soldiers will be expected to be active and involved players willing to trust their officers. This army being a professional one(unlike the weekend soldiers we used to field) there will be a certain degree of commitment that is expected from any and all members.

More branches are in the works, but they are currently off limits due to a lack of funding created by our current economical situation.

As announced by our interim. president Mrs. Ines Schumacher, I am in charge of the brand new and mostly inexistent eSouth African Army and I don’t plan to keep it that way. There is a lot of hard work to be done in order to create the efficient well tuned machine that is a proper, professional army so I ask you to bare with me and give me the chance to create something great for eSouth Africa.

Now, on to business. Due to the fact that our country is not currently inhabitable if you plan on working in the next couple of weeks the first branch of the army will be relocated until the congress elections and the correcting of the legislation is done. This base of operations will be announced once platoons are formed.

Here is the application form for the Armed Forces, please fill it out only if you intend to be a part of the eSouth African Armed Forces for a lengthy period of time.


Also keep an eye out for more updates in this article in the next day. Administrative announcements will be made later on this evening.

Thank you for you time.