[UPDATED] Donatii - vreo 2-300 gold

Day 3,535, 09:11 Published in Romania Romania by DoDrew
Mersi de "sper ca nu te lasi", dar nu mai joc de o gramada de timp. Mi-am amintit de joc si am intrat sa donez ce aveam.


1 x 118 gold / 2
Discobolul -> You have successfully donated 30000 RON. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.
Cipriannnnn -> You have successfully donated 29000 RON. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

1 x 40,881 CC
Aure3lianus -> You have successfully donated 41423 RON. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

2 x 2000 Weapon Q7
Successfully transferred 2000 item(s) to v0rtex.
Successfully transferred 2106 item(s) to loordsteaua.

1 x 12000 Food Q2, 50 tichete Q5, 30 rachete Q1
Successfully transferred 12837 item(s) to Alegretto.

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