[UPDATE] MSL: Second Stop - Twitter

Day 619, 12:34 Published in USA USA by SirEkim
[UPDATE] I will start putting Tweets a little before 9:00 daily. Log on around that time to see if there are any ReTweets (RT) requests.

Ok everyone, it's time for Round 2.

After getting "buried" in our Digg attempt, it has taught me a lesson. Our enemies will stop at no lengths to keep us from succeeding. They won't even let us escape into our digital world to let us advertise the game.

This has made me change directions in my search for mediums to advertise. Yesterday, I began thinking of mediums that didn't have a "bury" button or a "vote down" button. I found several places, but I felt it would be best to start with Twitter.

For those of you unfamiliar with Twitter, it is a massive "Social News" site. Basically, a bunch of people get online and "Follow" each other. People can put out what they're doing, for example, and everyone following can see that. This was crucial in getting information out in RL Iran during the government crackdown on foreign medias.

Now, it's time that we use this to our advantage. I ask all Americans, Canadians, and any other ally nationality to sign up for Twitter and help us in our effort. If you haven't signed up already, you may do so here: https://twitter.com/signup

Once you have signed up (or if you already have signed up) you can follow the official eUS Twitter account here: http://twitter.com/eRepUSA and click on the "Follow" link on the side.

For those of you unfamiliar with Twitter lingo, I'll try to explain some now. In order to post a direct message to someone, you put @[Twitter name]. For example, to send a direct message to me, type in "@eRepUSA [message]". Occasionally, you will see me post something with "RT" at the end. This stand for "Re-Tweet". In other words, either I saw someone say it and am retweeting or I want you to retweet it. And finally, there are certain trending topics which are organized by "#". For example, I might post "#eRepublik" and all other Tweets with that in it will go in the same category.

So anyway, go out and spread the word on Twitter. We cannot be "buried" here!

Secretary of Citizen Affairs