[UPC] ElPatoDiablo for Country President

Day 1,811, 17:51 Published in Canada Canada by Internet Republik

The United Party of Canada is proud to announce that it will be supporting El Pato Diablo as a candidate for this month's country president of eCanada. Why support EPD in the coming elections? There are a few reasons.


EPD has dealt with the fact that eCanada has no congress well. He did not take the role of a dictator but instead asked last month's congress to aid him in the decisions with polls and discussions. He has acted and stood by on his promises he made when it was first assumed that we wouldn't have a congress this month.


With the announcement that Rylde would be running for CP eCanada needs one strong candidate rather than 2 that split the votes. with our party's support focused towards EPD, our support is also placed in democracy. Why do you think that Rylde chose this month to return to politics? Because, my friends, this month he will have free reign as the eCanadian dictator. And what else would you expect from a president from the Military DICTATORSHIP Party? Its all right there in their name. Oh wait, Rylde is in ROLO's party? ALL the better. Is that the fate we want to befall our nation? Sometimes the bold are the idiots...

El Pato Diablo can WIN

While our own party has many candidates that would make fine presidents, EPD is well recognized as a good CP candidate and has two terms as a congressman and one term as CP under his belt. We have seen the good he has done this term for eCanada and I know he will continue to strengthen our nation throughout his next term.

-Internet Republik

You can join the United Party of Canada HERE. If you have any questions about UPC or our political platform, please contact any of the following people:

Party President - Lord Beorn
Party Vice President - Unkem
Secretary General - Frank139
Councillor - Jefflav
Spokesman - Internet Republik
UPC Founder - Ardikus V2