(UOTM): Where We Stand

Day 718, 13:18 Published in Switzerland Japan by Zammuel

Hello, all. I am writing this article as I wish to be honest and sincere with everyone in Switzerland about where The Union stands.

To start things off - you'll notice that although initially making quite a lot of noise, we suddenly died down within only a few days of arriving and we haven't said much else sense then. Well, unfortunately, the Union did not get quite where we expected it to get. Originally, Nowe and myself intended to come into the country as "helpful foreigners", ready to help secure the country against PTO and later become involved in politics. Nowe was (and is) very popular in Malaysia and has many friends there - likewise, as I am a rather popular eRep forum veteran and have a respectably sized eReligion. We thus assumed we would get a decent amount of people to follow us wherever we went. Well, from the get go we did not quite have the support we thought we would have - many people who seemed willing to follow us decided they would sooner stick to their own countries, costing us members that we thought we would have had.

When we arrived in Switzerland we were initially (and understandably so!) met with suspicion and hostility from native Swedes, and I admit they had good reason. I'll put this bluntly and honestly - myself and Nowe wanted to help Switzerland, yes, but first and foremost we simply wanted to get into a country where the opportunity for political success was more likely, as at that time we were quite simply bored with the sluggish pace of Malaysian politics. Please do not mistake my meaning - we didn't want to come and screw up the country. We just wanted to come in, get into power, and help run things - basically because we bored but also well-meaning, which can create very awkward situations as I've come to realize. We originally intended to move to Denmark, but after seeing that Switzerland had instant citizenship, we hastily jumped there and set up a party. This is perhaps my greatest regret, as in doing so I wasted a lot of money and made myself look like a PTO attempt, or at least a well-meaning but very uninformed and power hungry individual. I had not, as of then, read up on Switzerland's history or current politics, and if I had done so, I would have joined the SLP and integrated myself into the country. Still, we all must learn from our mistakes.

The next big blow came when Nowe decided to abandon our project only days after arriving in Switzerland and return to Malaysia after he was offered a chance at running for presidential election under a large Malaysian party (He is currently the VP of Malaysia). As he was expected to be the real leader of our party, his sudden departure left me with a bad taste in my mouth and a dwindling enthusiasm to continue by myself a thing that was meant to be ran, at least partially, by another person.

So now the Union is at a stand still. I'm not going to abandon it and still hope to continue to see it grow, either under myself or a more capable individual. Regardless, I would like to stress the fact that I still have all the intentions in the world of staying here and helping the country to the best of my abilities. Although I I am currently a member of the 1st Division infantry, and thus not allowed to run for congress, in time I do hope to enter the political scene of Switzerland. Although I have thus far been relatively inactive on the forums, and arrived with a brash and over confident attitude, in time I hope to prove myself as a leveled headed and active person with former experience in helping run a small country surrounded by potential enemies (I was previously a congressman of North Korea, although I did not run for a second term as I disagreed with Drago's full-fledged alliance with the USA).

I hope everyone understands a bit about where I am now with this party.