[UNL] Presidence, Occupation and UNL citizens duties...

Day 779, 14:48 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

[UNL] Presidence, Occupation and UNL citizens duties...

My dear fellow citizens,

Let me first thanks you for the trust and the confidence you decide to show me again with re-electing me as your President, the President of the United Netherlands !

I didn't get the chance to publish my program for the presidential elections, but you all know that i'm a pro-change of our political system. I will try to work on this issue this month with the different political parties presidents. I have already put the proposition of a Presidential's government on voting last month but it have unfortunately been rejected. It seemed that a lot of citizens and politicians were in favour of this proposition, but that it came too soon for them. I hope February is a good target for a test period of this new political system.

But our country have now a more important issue : WAR !

For the first time of it history, the United Netherlands have declared war and have launched an attack on foreign territories.
Our aim wasn't an imperialist one, but to help our ally Germany by attacking Poland to try to help Germany to have the initiative back on battlefields.
We first attacked North Rhine Westphalia, a battle we have lost but that we didn't need to win at the start.
Unfortunately, Germany and PHOENIX didn't achieve to win the open battle with Poland the day later and didn't succeed to take back the initiative.
We didn't wait long for the consequences, as Poland decided to launch an offensive over Wallonia the day later.
A battle that we have also lost, even if we were close to the victory.
I have been proud of my soldiers, and of my country.
The war is not over, and it's important to not forget it !

During the night after the Polish conquest of Wallonia, Spain and Poland have operated some swaps of regions, in the aim to isolate the UNL of Poland, making us unable to attack them.
And today, the United Kingdom attacked Wallonia, where a RW have been also launched just before.

Our country have now to face huge challenges, occupation, division, and war time.
All citizens from Wallonia have been asked to move in the West Region.

But we, as United Netherlands citizens, have now also some obligations !

And the first one is of course to not give up ! To be more active than never and to stand up together to be stronger !

The second one is too help your country !
What can you do ?

The United Netherlands needs gold, but most important, they need NEW citizens !

I ask each citizens of the UNL to invite at least one of his friend to eRepublik : send them the link of our ebabyboom website : http://unl.ebabyboom.fr !

For each registration on this website, our country will be able to win 5 gold and 1 citizens !

It's UNL, it's MADNESS !

Best regards,

President of the United Netherlands

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