[UNL] A new Mutual Protection Pact with Russia...

Day 738, 06:48 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

[UNL] A new Mutual Protection Pact with Russia...

My dear fellows citizens,

As i have informed already our Congress, we have talked with Russia and we have easily reach an agreement to renew our MPP with them.

Since the start of the month, each MPP cost now 100 gold, instead of 30 gold, which is really a important cost for small countries like the United Netherlands.

We wanted to renew our MPP with Russia, a strong ally, to protect ours originals regions but also to help them when needed. Moreover, Russia will maybe host wargames in a next future. This way, we have manage to have only one MPP for protection and maybee for wargames too, instead of two.

These talks are the results of our negociations with some former PEACE members, our friends and old allies.

As an answer to our left from PEACE GC and the fear to be alone and to lost some supports, Russia, who don't forget how we helped them with hospitals, have donated 50 gold to our national account.

The price of the MPP will be of 50 gold for our country, for protection and maybe wargames.
The MPP is currently on vote.

Best regards,

President of the United Netherlands

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