(Union): Some Clarifications

Day 702, 13:40 Published in Switzerland Japan by Zammuel

First I'd like to apologize for giving the eSwiss an image that is untrue - we are not PTO'ers and we do indeed have the best in mind for the country. We call ourselves militant because we believe in getting things done sooner than later with very little room for forgiveness for failure or mediocrity. We will judge our leaders with a very keen eye and elect only those we believe to be the best of the best.

Now, that said - we do realize that we share the goals of SLP. Building a better hospital, establishing a better military, getting our lands back and making sure diplomacy is maintained abroad is VERY common grounds for most parties. One thing I did not mention in the original article - and have now edited - is that many of us are from Malaysia, and still have connections there. While we favor neutrality, given the location of our country, being a completely neutral rock with no ties to the outside world would be foolish. Because of this, we do indeed have the idea of joining Sol - a defensive, neutral alliance - in our minds, though it is just an idea that may or may not be implemented. The prospect of joining PEACE is also not out of our minds - while it may not get us our lands back, at least it will ensure our survival. We realize many disagree with this and we welcome your disagreement - however, it is not a "wrong" or "bad" idea, no more than simply staying neutral and out of world affairs is.

This month, we will not be running for congress. We will be voting for the official congress chosen by the current president and will be voting for them. When the threat of PTO is no longer at our doorstep - possibly next month if fate is kind to us - then we will be doing things our way. Until then we will continue to cooperate with the SLP and ensure Switzerland's stability.

Hopefully this has somewhat cleared up the air between the Militants and the rest of Switzerland. Thanks for reading.