[ULJ] PP Elections/New Programs

Day 2,186, 17:46 Published in Japan Japan by William of Edenbury

Hello Everyone o/

As you all know, Party President Elections are tomorrow. After leading us for months on end Darshu has decided to take a well deserved rest from the political frontlines.

As such, I hope to be the new Party President that will lead the lolis along their path of neutrality and love of all that is cute, warm, and slightly squishy :3

Will we be doing anything new?

The loli asks and so I shall answer. I plan on creating a set of new programs with a primary focus on in-game communications.

Our members are highly active in-game but not so active on irc or the forums. So rather than keep trying to lure lolis into chat rooms (hehehe), I want to create some communication infrastructure that can be used in-game. This leads us to our first set of programs.

1.The Emergency Broadcast System:

The most basic program I want to run is a formalization of the emergency mass messaging system that many groups outside of eJapan operate. For those lolis that remember this event, the precursor of the EBS was during the eYudakens PTO when party leadership directed the mass movement of members. As i have been saying since then, the ULJ was the most responsive group I have ever seen in such a situation and showed a high activity potential that we didn't know existed in the party until that time.

2.Monthly Surveys:

Born from the idea of mass Messaging with the EBS, this idea is to get a gauge of what the lolis like that the party is doing, what they want changed, and what they want our future course to be. Slightly changing the concept from other survey techniques, we will not be using google docs to compile the data but will instead be directly sending PMs to each member. This allows for the communication to retain a personal quality as each member will be responding directly to a senior party member. As such the younger lolis and senior members can have direct contact that is many times missing from large groups as well as being able to more clearly communicate questions and answers.

So much to read, so little time

3.The Great Loli Library

The third in-game communication themed program is the most experimental so some of the details will be worked out during its implementation. The idea of this program is to create a place where the lolis can get all the information they need without signing up to anything or going too far beyond erepublik itself. The basic idea is to create a Google doc set (thought if we can find a more visually pleasing program we will likely switch to that) and make it so that the lolis can access all the party information that they need with just one click.

The document set will be divided into multiple sections, with the currently envisioned sections being News, Employment, Events, and Supplies.


The first section of the document will be a weekly updated news section on what has been going on in the eWorld. The reason it will be included in the docs rather than articles is for two reasons. The first is so that the lolis don't have to track down the article after its two day limit is up, and the second is to give us an excuse to keep posting the link to the docs on the party feed 😛


The Employment section will contain job offers for non mechanics based employment. As an example, some of the offers that will likely be posted are assistants for party events, messengers, helpers for RW's etc. etc.

Offered payment will be included next to the offer in the first section and the second section will include volunteer requests.


This section will list and explain party events/programs such as the Young Congressman program, seasonal contests, and monthly contests. Also included in a lower section on the doc will be an explanation on some of the national events such as Empress Day, and the various elections days.

4.Aneki's Panties.. I MEAN PANTRY! Aneki's. Pantry.

The last section of the Great Loli Library is actually part of the last program set I want to introduce. It's not new by any means but it is always useful. Some of the senior lolis wanted to put together a supply cache for the lolis to use and so I want to formalize this supply reserve. All supplies included in the Pantry will be listed on the last page of the Great Loli Library and are available for the use of all lolis. It is encouraged that the lolis use the supplies because otherwise they will just be eternally taking up space in the caretakers' inventories.

This is the current supply set which is likely to increase in the next week or so. Please remember that the weaker quality weapons can also be used to create rockets.

And that's all for my list of programs folks. Remember to vote tomorrow and for those of you who aren't lolis yet: