[UKRP] Twitter is launched

Day 1,934, 05:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

I've got good news for the tl,dr crowd - this isn't going to be one of my usual long, nonsensical rants about anything in particular. No, it's a much more simple endeavour this time around. I'm going to do a plug. So without further ado:

Did you see it? Good. Sexy, wasn't it? Yeah, it was. That's one plug. I also have a second one for today, ad this is a plug of a different kind.

It's a plug for the new UKRP Twitter account! Like many organisations RL we've decided to bring our presence to social media. If you're a party member - follow us! If you're not a member of a party and are curious about what it's like - follow us! Same if you're a member of another party, but it goes without saying that you won't find any dirt on there, mwah.

The account is managed by CottonPicken and myself, and was just set up yesterday. We'll tweet article recommendations, announcements and morale-increasing messages that make you feel warm and fluffy inside.