[UKRP] To Write is Right

Day 1,920, 02:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

...Or for those of you that are compulsively anti-grammar, two right is write!

As a great man said in RL once, "Ask not for what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Let's extend this to your party for a moment, except please do also ask what your party can do for you. There's quite a lot, in case you were interested.

But let's also look at what you can do for your party. This isn't a finger jabbed into the shoulder blades by any stretch of the imagination; but I'm sure there are a few newer players wondering how they can get more involved in the party business. There are many ways, of course, from recruiting to keeping us all entertained on IRC with your witty repartee.

But one of the most important functions at the moment is establishing a continuous party media presence. We want to get out there, for people to think of us way more than they already do. For lonely hausfraus to go to bed, clutching their pillows with the whispered word Reform on their lips.

...Anyway. I'm part of an in-party recruitment team whose primary objective is to encourage members, especially newer members, to get writing articles about the party. Have you just pooled your hard-earned gold into a new newspaper and are wondering what to write? Do you maybe have something to say about your party experiences? We'd love to hear from you! Think about some of the below questions:

- Why did you join? Or, what attracted you to the UKRP specifically?
- What have you liked more than anything so far?
- What do you think other players will get out of membership?
- How have you found the party atmosphere?

Think about some of these, maybe include some images and some jokes from that aforementioned witty repartee of yours. You'll find some great quality writing is flowing from your pen (well, fingers) I'm pretty sure. And then? Let the kudos swarm around you! You'll get votes, complements on your writing, party props and subscribers. Every journalist has a beady eye on the Media Mogul medal - will you add one to your trophy cabinet?

For more information on this, get in touch!