[UKRP] This was a triumph!

Day 1,628, 10:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Master Hofkens

Dear members of the UKRP,

It was a surprise when I was made Party President after the departure of Michael Crookes. To be honest, the UKRP was in a steady decline. Low numbers of members, only one elected member of congress and we didn’t have a UKRP backed Country President in almost a year. I was not happy when I got the job of party president but I was lucky to have the great support of kcirp. Together we decided to save this party and lead it back to her former glory.

First we started a campaign to inform the current members. About the changes in leadership and the difficult future ahead. Without our loyal members we are nothing. So I would like to thank you all for staying inside this party during those harsh times. The next thing was to attract new members. Again I would like to thank kcirp for creating some nice messages which we are sending out the new players of this game and guide them to the UKRP. But the biggest challenge was still ahead of us: Country President.

When I first heard about the candidates of the other parties I was furious. Surely the UKRP had better candidates inside her ranks. First I was even planning on running for the office but luckily a wild Appleby appeared. From that moment, everyone was uniting behind this great eUK’er and have worked very hard to ensure victory. All together we were sending out messages, dominanting the media and getting the support of the people.
I would like to thank the party presidents of ESO and of PCP for supporting our candidate. Also I would like to thank every member who has voted for Appleby. The messaging team was superb this month and you all have my gratitude.

To finish I’m very happy to look back at my first week as party president of the UKRP. As it stand we have gotten over 15 new members in the last week. And if things don’t change dramatically the Prime Minister will be a member of the UKRP. Dear members, the UKRP is back where it belongs. The leading political party of the eUK, Ready to guide this country to greatness. It was a pleasure serving you all!

Master Hofkens,
Acting Party President UKRP