[UKRP] The Resurgence

Day 1,893, 09:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

What goes up, must come down.

This is a general law of both aerodynamics and the nature of success that is, as we all know, as simple as it sounds. No ascent to the top can be eternal, and anyone or anything that shoots to prominence must eventually shoot (or float) back down to the bottom. We all know that, and we know that it'll happen to all prominent parties eventually.

But there's another principle that runs on the same (well, similar) logic to this. And here it is: What hits the floor, bounces. Of course, this isn't a strict rule. That fancy new iPhone that you dropped onto the train platform after trying to drunkenly text your ex? Yeah, that doesn't bounce, it just miserably shatters. But many things bounce, and like a trip to the top, a trip to the bottom is rarely permanent.

From reading this article's title, you've probably already established what I'm getting at here, you clever thing. Now, of course, the UK Reform Party has never hit "rock bottom" but we've experienced a mighty drop from our position of prominence. We're out of the top five, we've had several drops in our membership. But unlike that unlucky iPhone, we don't lay shattered at the bottom of the train track, waiting for the overground to smash us into oblivion (alright, alright, the metaphor's getting a little laboured now) we raise ourselves up with the dedication and hard work of the UK's oldest and grandest party and we get back to our former lofty height.

This article is the first of a few (unless it gets totally ignored) on the fantastic resurgence of the UKRP and the threat we will soon pose to larger parties. It's not an official party article, just something by one of the many smaller members who have received lots of help and support from the UKRP. If you're considering membership to us (good for you!) or are a political undecided, here's the best time to join. We've got candidates running in congress under TUP (see party note) and I can only advise you to watch this space in terms of the CP and further elections, as I can't divulge party business here. We're going to be recruiting members, getting into the Top Five and having a much bigger say in the eUK's affairs.

So why should this appeal to you, the undecided potential member? Well, you have the opportunity to help make all this a reality. We're looking for dedicated players with a good sense of fun and a real community spirit. Join us, get involved, and take part in what I've now dubbed The Resurgence!!

Party note: In case you've been off the forums or IRC, vote TUP as we have members running!