[UKRP] Reasons I Will Not Win A Congress Seat

Day 1,464, 06:28 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Kazuo Leblanc
Reason #1 - I'm Canadian

I grew up in the New World in British Columbia. I won't two years there, and even served as Country President. You know what it taught me? How to recognize derp. I learned it, to be honest, because derp is pervasive throughout all levels of Canadian society and government. That's not to say that it's not also in the United Kingdom - but at least I can spot it easier than most. 

Reason #2 - I don't put up with douche or stupid

My history in the New World is built on calling people out when they do ridiculous things.  Hell, I got my start ragging on a sitting Prime Minister for not publishing any updates. But, I've found that the people who have the most derp tend to work themselves into powerful positions, and we can't be criticizing them, old chap.

Reason #3 - I gots balls

Someone has to be the one to first suggest an unpopular idea. If not now, then when? If not me, then who? Among the unpopular stands I've taken through the years, I've been the sole English speaker to actively advocate for the rights of Canada's French speaking minority, I've pressed for creation of an educational system when everyone else declared it "more of that roleplayer s***," and I pushed to end a war that was pointless to continue in the face of a Congress eager to continue. A little masochistic, true, but I'd rather do what's right than what's easy. 

Now, for all of these reasons I'd actually make a pretty decent MP, but all of these reasons stand in direct opposition to the oldfags and their aristocracy so I'm not going to get elected. I'm pretty resigned to that, though. If there is an eGuinness Book of Records, someone should give them a call - I'm 0 for 11, soon to be 0 for 12, and I'm certain I have to be close to the record for most unsuccessful Congress bids. 

If you don't like any of the parties or candidates, I'd appreciate your vote as a protest. I'm appearing on the ballot under the UK Reform Party in North West of England.

But don't be stupid like me and expect some sort of optimistic outcome.