[UKRP] Portrait of a Party: A History of the United Kingdom Reform Party[Part 4]

Day 1,925, 22:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Robalbinio

Chapter Four

During April and May 2010 internal divisions within the UKRP had reached an all time high as various factions argued about the right course of action to pull the party out of its current mire. These arguments continued and little progress was made until Dishmcds was elected Party President in June, at which point most of the party rallied around a common cause and leader and the opposing factions backed down. In the June elections the party performed averagely gaining 5 out of a possible 19 congress seats (eUK regions were under foreign occupation).

It was over the summer of 2010 that one of the eUK's longest running and most controversial political battles, the House of Lords, was finally decided. The House of Lords was a group of forum elected individuals who's mandate was to review legislation proposed and passed by the House of Commons. Members were selected from long term Congressman, Ministers, Presidents and Military Commanders.

Now the Lords had long been a controversial topic, a boycott of new lords in 2009 had brought its position under threat, but the house endured. The debate centred around the lords lack of a mandate in-game and many in the community viewed them as an 'old-boys club'. The UKRP were firm supporters of the lords feeling a strong and experienced guiding arm was needed to support congress, preventing any costly mistakes and thus keeping the eUK strong, the opposition (mainly TUP/PCP) meanwhile felt the lack of any in-game power made them worthless to the community as a whole and that Congress, being the only house in-game, elected by the whole country should not be restricted by a small few.

The House of Lords sits empty

In the end this long running debate was ended when a piece of controversial legislation was passed by Congress, that while didn't remove the House of Lords as an establishment, forced all Lords to face re-election by the Top Fives parties Party Presidents, the Unity Party and Peoples Communist Party voted no to all potential lords put before them and the house stood empty.

It was eventually abolished by the passing of the House of Commons Act that set up the Senior Committee to advise congress, though unlike the House of Lords this body was firmly under Congresses control.

This was a humiliating political defeat for the UKRP. The party had thrown all its support behind keeping the House of Lords intact and were soundly beaten and made to look out of touch with the direction the public was going.

Despite this though the July Congress elections saw an upturn in results and was the first time in many months the UKRP equalled TUP results. Sir Humphrey Appleby was elected Party President in August, serving an average term with little change. New member TerribleTiger beat Jhorlin in the September elections and managed to keep election results steady despite falling membership.

October proved to be a month of disaster for the UKRP, Steven Mack was elected Party President, but like those of old resigned leaving Certacito, an experience but relatively inactive member in charge. Congress returned only seven seats, allowing TUP to dominate the House.

November saw the start of the up turn for the UKRP and a hint of things to come, Lionbeard was elected Party President and membership began to rise along with improved congress results. This month also saw Jhorlin elected as the first UKRP President since GLaDOS in April 2010. Due to his success Lionbeard was re-elected again in December by a clear majority strengthening the party for the year to come.

Political Profiles

Sir Humphrey Appleby MBE

Sir Humphrey Appleby has had a long and varied career in politics while always being a loyal member of the UKRP. He managed to increase and stabilise membership in the UKRP as he worked his way up the ranks as Recruitment Director, Communications Administrator and eventually Party President.

Appleby was first elected to Congress for Yorkshire and Humberside and soon proved to be a good spokesman for the centre-right and one of the most outspoken defenders of the House of Lords. His first ministerial posting was as Under-minster for Work, helping manage the government run companies. Under Iain Keers Presidential term he served as Press Secretary charged with relaying the President and his governments actions to the country.

He became MoFA under Jamesw and was a multiple term Minister of Legislative Affairs, he was eventually elevated to the office of President of the eUK in May 2012.


Jhorlin was along time member of the UKRP, first elected to Congress in September 2009. He spent a long period of time working to improve the UKRP's election coordination and working with the North-East Council.

In April 2010 he returned to Congress and in May was appointed as Jamesw's Minister of Rations to run the #freeguns programme, he was forced to resign though when he was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the eUK military.

In June 2010 Jhorlin drew the condemnation of the eUK comminity when he ran as TUP Party President in reaction to their victory in the HoL crisis.

Jhorlin served in a few ministerial offices as Junior-Minster for Work and Minister Without a Portfolio before being elected President twice in December 2010 and February 2011.

Honourable Mention


Certacito was one of the UKRP's most decorated congressman serving a total of thirty-two terms including and incredible consecutive run from October 2008 to January 2010.

A quiet but well respected member, he stood in as Part President many times when other were forced to resign.

Next Time: A New Generation

For Your Consideration

Robalbinio MBE