[UKRP] New Party Leadership + Notice to Congress Candidates

Day 670, 03:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters

Rather late update here, but as many of you will already know - Lordjustice was recently elected through a landslide victory to be our Party President for this month. Here at the UKRP we're all very confident that he will do a great job this term in spite of what will be quite frankly challenging times with the loss of Necrosis, Craig Rossiter, Arthur Wellesley among others.

The show, however, is still going on.

The leadership team for this month is currently as follows:-

Party President - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1319340>LordJustice
Party Vice-President - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1510954>Wossoo
Media Director - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1478060>UK's Finest (finest01)
Elections Directors - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1369116>Jhorlin and http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1394379>lordmwa
Recruitment Director - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1846160>Athanatosx

Some of these names will be new to many people, and certain people have expressed surprise to me at some of the positions given out. To this, I can only say that these people have shown the initiative to get their behinds on the UKRP party forums on the http://forums.erepublik.co.uk>eUK National Forums and applied for such roles. If you would like to help out please join us on the forums.

This also goes for our candidates for congress this month. It is very important that everyone gets their manifestos and campaigns going soon, and if you're not a member of the UKRP forum and have not declared your interest to run, we cannot guarantee that you will remain/become an official candidate. Being forum active is also important as you'll need that to take part in House of Commons discussions.

Thanks for reading,

UKRP Vice President