[UKRP] Holidays in the Sun

Day 780, 08:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters

After a month of instability and the loss of its entire treasury, it would be entirely fair for some to write the UKRP off as a player in the eUK’s Political landscape. Prior to what shall henceforth be known as “the incident”, the UKRP had been floundering a little, and many people had written the party off as a spent force, lacking direction and cohesion. With a diminishing presence in Congress and the departure of some big names things looked grim. The advent of “He who shalt not be named” changed things however. No longer was the UKRP lacking focus or unity, and despite a drawn out battle, involving the aforementioned treasury theft, order was regained at no small cost.

At this point it would have been perfectly reasonable for the doldrums to return, crisis averted they could all go back to doing whatever it was we had been doing before (playing cards, chasing cars, blackmailing high ranking Officials). However things didn’t quite pan out that way.

Seizing the momentum mustered through November and December, the UKRPv2, now manned by battle hardened campaign veterans and a slightly lunatic fringe, realised that together they might just be able to do the impossible; to revitalise the once flagging party and beat it back into fighting shape. Rather than rely upon individuals taking on mountains of work to paper over the cracks, there was now a group of talented people ready to take on the burdens and rise to meet the oncoming challenge that faced them. Open and inclusive the UKRP was determined to rally, recruit and step back into the ring. United we stand. Together we’ll fall.

That was almost a month ago…

Now, with the inauguration of the first non TUP backed Country President in almost a year, we, the UKRP, can look back and say that the effort was worth it. After a superb Congressional Election result at Christmas, resulting in 13 wins and the largest number of seats held by a single party this term, a hard fought Country Presidency Campaign, and several Ministerial positions allocated to Party Members, the UKRP is perhaps once again back in fighting shape. Lacking complacency from this success, and determined to capitalise on those gains, we look to the future, and what comes next.

And with that in mind, surely the most pertinent question is: Would you like to be a part of it? From those looking for a way into Politics, seeking a party keen to give them a chance to shine, to the established individuals who may have become jaded with their current regimens, we have a place for you all, and we’re eager for you to give us a chance to prove our commitment to you. The UKRP is resolute in its intention to take advantage of the headway made over the last few weeks, and if you’d like to be part of it then we’d love to have you. It’s not my intention to bang on about Party Policy here, and if you’re interested any one of us will gladly answer your questions, suffice to say that henceforth the UKRP will rise to every challenge as one, and ensure that it’s there fighting for the Country and her people when the hard times come.

Join us and be heard.