[UKPP] Vote Strike - March 25th, Day 1,587

Day 1,252, 08:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem
The UKPP is holding a 'Vote Strike' on the 25th. The purpose of this is threefold.

1. Equiping of as many UKPPers as possible with Q6 Tanks and Q5 Food to withstand any enemy assault on our congressional regions.
2. Attempt to get a bit of activity and more social interaction between our members.
3. To give you advice on which UKPP candidate to vote for so that we can maximize our participation in Congress rather then waste our votes on everyone standing and end up with nothing!

Taking part
All UKPP members are invited to attend the UKPP Party IRC channel on Rizon.net. between 1800H - 2400H GMT (1100H onwards gametime)

Come ready to fight and with your ability to vote intact.

Unable to take part?
If you are unable to attend for whatever reason then you can still fulfill your duty to the nation by voting for one of the pre-selected, default candidates.

As always, any furthur questions - Do not hesitate to contact me.