[UKPP] - A Statement on Recent Events

Day 1,579, 06:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo112

Recent 'indecent' attacks on our party and its members have reached a point that is certainly crossing the line between RL hate and in-game fun. Due to incidents on the 'original' forums, the #eUK channel and in articles and comments, we advise all UKPP members to pause, take a breath and consider refraining from posting on the 'original' forums and on #eUK.

Still interested in having a chat while the 'fall-out' occurs?? Then come visit us on our IRC channel and the UKPP forums
IRC: http://miburl.com/4CA3GM
Forums: http://z13.invisionfree.com/eUK/index.php?

The UKPP has an active and welcoming community on its personal forums and IRC channel. If you want to be more active and take on more roles inside UKPP then these are the places to be. A place of freewheeling discussion from all things game related, to how helpmeslack will never get that BT girl and to what's down Lauren's pants today.

Look its a cat picture!!!

[Important]- This is a 'advisory' notice only and the UKPP does not hold or wish to hold any claim over your right to free speech and congregation.

Media Team Applications
Is your passion for writing? Can you interview people so hard they fry under the pressure? Are you just an active player wanting to help?? Then sign-up for the media team (limited places open).

If you are a IRC active UKPP player and want to sign-up for the team then send me: Sambo112, this completed form:

eRepublik Name:
IRC Name:
Job Placement (reporter, news finder, interviewer):
Activity levels:
Past Experience (None needed but some would help):
Jobs currently inside UKPP:

Want to join but you aren't on IRC?? Then get logged on today:

That is all for the article, feedback is welcome and getting as many votes as possible will allow more people in UKPP and any other potential members to see it. Remember to check out the External Affairs here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/ukpp-external-affairs-227492/1 and the UKPP PP's paper here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/nationalist-times-254956/1

Thank you for reading, remember to vote, comment and subscribe,

Sambo112- UKPP Media Manager/2nd Commander of the Royal Navy/UKPP vice Party President

GTorge- UKPP Media Manager

Sir Nick Griffin- UKPP Party President