[UkIP] Weekly Update + EDIT

Day 526, 04:47 Published in Ukraine Romania by Mistwalker

Good afternoon Ukraine!

There are a few points that I would like to announce:

1. All UkIP members register on the party forums at this ADRESS

There you can:

- propose ideas about what the party's general directions should be
- discuss new projects and participate in their undertaking
- meet new and interesting people and improve your eRepublik culture
- have fun
- ensure the functioning of a corectly organised party and a political voice for Independent Ukraine

2. I have created a party organisation Ukrainean Independence Party, it is my intention to use this organisation to :

- create a party newspaper to issue all official statements coming from the UkIP
- create companies and help better the country economy and need for consumption

On the second part I would like to exercise restraint for now as it is not clear if Ukraine will be staying on the map but all party members and those that sympathise with our cause that are interested in starting and working on such projects should PM me so we can start making a donations list.

Starting today full accountability will be provided to all the members that contribute there.

3. I have noticed at least two people who donated gold to the party directly, while your enthusiasm and spirit of sacrifice is worthy of praise I ask everyone to stop doing that - the game mechanics don't allow anyone not even the party president to access those funds, starting today you can donate to our Org instead.

4. This should have been announced earlier in the article but you can just say I'm saving the best for last 😉

The UkIP is advocating this month for unity.

The Ukrainean Independence Party would like to state that in the coming Presidential Elections we will be supporting Eugene V Debs who allthough being a member of the Syndicalist Party has shown to us in the past a genuine interest in making Ukraine free from foreign powers and further it on the path of self-determination, a goal most of us should aspire for...

Congratulations Eugene, you have our full support and I along with my coleagues wish you the best of luck in the coming elections.

With kind regards,
Mistwalker - UkIP president

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P.S. : I know there are those who don't like long articles so I'll sumarise:

1. Forum
2. Party Org
3. Warning
4. Presidential elections


It seems that our worst fears have come true and Hungary is conquering all of Ukraine while heading for Podolia, all members should stay in touch with each other via PM and the party forum which has now become, a valuable tool for communication.

Also subscribe as I will be using this newspaper to publish more instructions as the situation develops