[UK] The Food Price Crisis

Day 1,055, 17:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HobbitTon

Oh the United Kingdom! How your crumpets bounce off the floor, and your Queen just sits there and looks good. For those of you who do not know me, my name is HobbitTon, and I am from the United States, the land of hamburgers and heart attacks. I was getting a little bored back in the States, and so, why not visit the large country over the Atlantic?

The United Kingdom has suffered from a severe wide-spread epidemic that has made all of you Brits suffer. No, it's not the Black Plague or a really, really, bloody impersonation of Charlie Chaplin, but more of an economical crisis. In order to survive, you must carefully eat food. But you have probably noticed that in the last couple of weeks, food prices have gone through the roof.

The price of food in the United Kingdom is greatly over global average.

Seriously guys? I mean, you're not even beating the United States of America. Do you know how many man calories of greasy fat we indulge on on a daily basis?

Food is a necessity of life in the New World. Without it, you will be crippled and grouchy for the rest of your day, but with these food prices, it's even getting even harder to survive in the UK. With that in mind, most two-clickers and aspiring newbies are having much difficulty fighting because of that. And if you don't fight, you lose wars. It's the domino effect, but what is causing it?

Think about the recent events the Admins just passed. A while ago, Mutual Protection Pacts only benefited a defending country during war time, but that is not the case now. As a result, there are a lot more people fighting New Worldwide! With the increased fighting, more food will need to be consumed to compensate for the damage.

Furthermore, this allows you to move almost anywhere and still have some of the battles you were looking for. Serbia, Russia, and larger PHOENIX countries have a higher wellness/gold rate for food than the United Kingdom. What is stopping them from coming here and buying cheaper food? This causes the GBP to deflate due to a lower supply of it.

Also, with the removal of happiness from the game (good riddance), there are two times are as many food companies as there was previously. This is because some companies were pure wellness companies while others were pure happiness companies. The pure wellness companies usually charged food at a higher price than the latter. So that would mean we have a greater supply, but there is one very large catch.

This one set out by game mechanics might be the most shocking of them all. Depending on your varying skill level, you produce different amounts of wellness in food for the food company you are employed in. It seems that a level 1 produces 35 wellness a day while a level 11 worker produces 70 wellness a day. This is a very uneven distribution of worker skills that is affecting the global food crisis even more negatively.

Some things were also brought on my the government of the United Kingdom herself. The English Peg, which is the stable amount of gold sold by usually one specific organization, has been getting stronger day by day. As of writing, it is actually at 0.02 gold which is equivalent to the Peg of the United States. It seems that the prices of food have not yet adjusted to the Peg.

Unfortunately, the slightly high import taxes of the United Kingdom just add extra fuel to the fire. It is at 10%, so it assists in domestic company safety. The thing is, the higher the import tax, the slower it is for the prices to adjust as well. No wonder the prices have been rising, and rising, and rising even more.

Solving this problem is not going to be easy by all means. Prices for food have been rising around the world, and it's hitting even harder over here. Without something being done, nothing will stop the prices from going even higher, hitting the pockets of everyone.

The simplest thing you can do to help the cause is to lower the high demand for food. Honestly, this is probably the hardest course of action to successfully accomplish. Many people have a lot of funds to buy three-hundred wellness food a day, but most don't. To add to this mayhem, the war module is very addicting, and buying a lot of food may be inevitable. Do what you can and don't buy more food than you really need!

The other obvious course of action might be easier for you, it still needs a lot of upfront investment and patience. Remember houses? Yeah, they have pretty much gone extinct due to the amount of food you can consume at a time. Since houses recover 2.5 times the amount of wellness food do, it might be in your best interest to buy one as it means you won't have to buy food nearly as often. In addition, you might be helping rejuvenate the dead stone industry?

The last thing the government could do is tweak around the taxes and restrictions to ease up the tension built up, but this might have major future bumps for the government. Not only would it could it lower the safety of domestic companies, it would definitely lower the amount of income for the government, thus lowering funding for necessary government programs. In my opinion, this is not the way to go.

Food prices all over the world have been rising, thus lowering our purchasing power for them. Unfortunately, it has hit the country of the United Kingdom harder than it has others. For the most part, the problem lies with things done in the past which have lingered to this day. While some of the problems have been caused by the United Kingdom herself, the Admin played an even bigger role in it. Who knows, the Admin might have even changed the production formula? It seems we are just their puppet.

Special Thanks!


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~Your friendly neighborhood hobbit!~