[UI]Makedonec3 for congressman in Andhra Pradesh !!

Day 1,191, 07:21 Published in India North Macedonia by Makedonec3

Currently not so old player here,in India.Maybe joined Indian community few weeks ago,and got involved in the foreign affairs (Ambassador to Macedonia,Finland,Estonia) and also actively helping in MoHe (Ministry for Health and Education) which we are trying to fix it.Also I'm A.C.P in the NPF (National Police Force) read more herehere.I'm also active in this game,and on the IRC/Forum of eIndia.It's always fun to chat with other players.

Key Objectives :

-While Ashwamedh is introducing this game in RL to the Indians,we need to make a strong team,so we can give warm welcome to the new players (Tutorials,What to do-What not,to be active on the game/irc/forum) and so on.

-While we have bunch of Grain/Food on the market which we can't sell them,we need to raise the import tax so the local citizen's can sell their products,instead of competing who puts lower price for the product.

-Before anyone puts a law for voting we should discuss it on forum.We don't need to rush for something unless it's well discussed.

-As I mentioned above I'm a Ambassador so I'll work on the Foreign Affairs with the other countries,stay in touch,making new friendships..

-If any player has suggestions what to improve in future,please contact me,so I can lobby for it.

I'm running for congress in Andhra Pradesh from United India party.If you want to see eIndia better,vote for me.

Ambassador to Macedonia,Finland,Estonia
MoHe helper
Makedonec3 😉