[TUTORIAL] How to travel in eRepublik

Day 1,192, 11:40 Published in Egypt Croatia by Plokite

First, since version 2, the Moving Ticket is divided into parts. Now you win or lose health, depending on the attributes that make up the ticket.


This is the quality of paper with the fact that your ticket can increase the vitality of 0 to 10.


This part is responsible for indicating to where we go. You can move from 1 to 5 zones. Will be crucial to look out for this part before buying a ticket, because if you want to go to Russia with a schedule 1 ticket will not go, and if you want to travel to Greece with a ticket quality 5, money is wasted.

The distance from the area:

This is the most important point of the article. As you know, there are plenty of places around the world, and some are half off, then you will need tickets with more or fewer quality, depends on the distance you want to go. Basically, the farther you want to travel, the bigger the quality the ticket must have.

The zoning in the New Wolrd since v2

There are 4 vertical and 5 horizontal lines delimiting the 20 areas that will appear in the V2, A1 to D5.

This is a simplified version of the map of the New World made to reduce space for explanation:

This table works as follows:

Suppose you want to travel an area A2 from Romania, who is in an area A3. Need a ticket with 2 distance. You may wonder why if it is next to our area? Well, if you look at the table, is the next area, but when they go to tell the route they need, they must have the same area where they are. I mean by this? if you want to travel to the area next to have their area, but the neighboring area, which gives us 2 areas. Well, here I leave the explanation in the table:

You see, to calculate the areas there to tell our area and get moving on the table by adding areas. Never going to give us more than 5 zones. Here I give you a more telling example areas.
Suppose you want to go to Colombia, which is in a C1 zone, you'd have a ticket with 5 zones. Here I show that:

In this table we are going from A3 to C1, then add A3 B3 C1 C2 C3 = 5 (each area sum 1). And if they can also make the following way: A2 A3 B2 C1 C2 = 5

Now when I travel to Argentina, I have to have 3-zone ticket

And if they make their way inside the table, would give them 5 areas, as Argentina is in D2: A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 = 5.
Well, here I show how I would do for 3 zones:

You can go outside. In the example, rose from A3 to D3 on the outside of the table, we would save 2 zones, which for some is a little money.
An important point: DO NOT move diagonally. So if the game shows 3 zones and diagonal are 2, they know they will not move diagonally.

Well, that's all for now about how to travel in eRepublik. The table does not have all countries, so if you travel to a country that is not on the table can look at that area is, and use the map to help you see how many areas you move.


Thanks for reading !!

Yours sincerely,