[TUP] We stand and we fight

Day 1,104, 10:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

There comes a time when we have to stand up and fight for our own interests, even against all the odds. We've done it before and we'll do it again so I urge you to fight in London.

This is not a time for bickering party politics and mud slinging (as some people have resorted to) but a time to pull together as a nation and fight. The Unity Party has always had the best interests of the nation at heart and we will be willing to provide assistance for those fighting in London.

So I repeat, take up arms and fight for our future:


And on the topic of this being a game, please remember that whilst you might not agree with Jamesw he is still a person who has been under a lot of stress recently whilst not feeling very well and I offer him all the best.

To Victory!
IndieKid~TUP PP

Our soldiers taking up arms this evening