[TUP] We Blame Jamesw

Day 1,080, 10:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!
Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel that the love and warmth created by my opening paragraph and picture is needed. You may wonder why it is needed. You may even feel that the saccharine nature of this sets a dangerous tone for the rest of my article.

You would be wrong

I’m about to ask you to vote…


For many this reaction is born out of the belief that Jamesw is a…

Hardly the greatest argument against electing him as CP.

Here at the Unity Party, we’ve been very much aware of this huge problem with the character of Jamesw and, during the course of the last month he’s be enrolled within a personality correction programme.

Our experts have been reprogramming his basic wants and needs. The drastic urge for ‘Bow and fags has now been flushed from his system.
He is a changed man.

But I digress….

We’re looking for a Prime Minister not the eUK’s Next Top Model.

Is this my best side Mr Jhorlin?

We are on the verge of becoming an ex-nation. Canada is sweeping through us like a dose of salts, our domestic ministries are on the verge of collapse and we’ve been fleeced for every penny our military had. It’s all gone Pete Tong.

Yes we can allow our current CP to learn from his mistakes and improve, but I ask you this…

Do we have time?

Jamesw has a proven track record of restoring our country. The last time a non-TUP CP stepped down Jamesw was tasked with the exact same problem and he did indeed get our regions back.

He may not be lovely and he may irritate the marrow from your bone, but he can make us whole again.

Tomorrow I urge you to vote jamesw for the UK to have a future.

President of The Unity Party
President of the Jamesw Fan Club