[TUP] The VoodooMike Memorial Post

Day 2,751, 11:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus


How are you? Oh right, that's a shame. Did it hurt much? Well I suppose if you try to squeeze something like that...Oh it made your eyes water! Anyway as much as I like catching up with you dear reader I've got stuff to spout about.

Congress stuff

It's really exciting. HONEST!

Over the last few days we’ve done stuff in congress. I’ll be honest with you it’s not been that interesting when you factor out people fighting with each other. I did table a motion to suspend the creation of any new legislation until the fifteenth of this month. That has been overlooked so I’m calling it a right wing conspiracy.

CP or Not CP

In a couple of days we’ll be looking to elect our CP for the month ahead. Personally at this time I feel we’re better off sticking with what or who we know. Fataliix has not been too shabby at all this month. I’m not going to go over the top with praise as it is only a clicking game but he’s been good. This is not the opinion of the party but my own. I know which way I’ll be voting.

The VoodooMike Memorial Gallery

Now that Mike has departed as a party we felt that we should mark this occasion with the VoodooMike Memorial Gallery.

We’d like you all to get your paintbrushes out and create a fitting tribute to the dearly departed Mike. We’d prefer a picture but if needs be we will accept a poem but it has to rhyme.

The winner will get their picture published in at least one paper and receive 200gbp.

Our Lord and Master Mr Woldy(he's very artistic) will judge this. He might even hang the winner in his loo.

Go away