[TUP] Kravenn For Yorkshire and Humberside

Day 911, 13:46 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

Hi, I am Kravenn and I am running for congress in Yorkshire and Humberside

Who am I ?

I am a RL Belgian, born in wallonia on day 545 (18.05.2009, Just over a year!). I lived from my birth till December 5 in Unl. I left the country to join United Kingdom. On December 7, I receive my citizenship and joined TUP shortly afterwards.

Since december 25, I have been a member of Parliament.
I am also a member of the SAS and 10 days ago I was promoted to Supplier/Lieutenant colonel
In-between April 25 and today : I have voted each proposal on the forum and the game.
This month, I am running for a 6th Term in our beloved country.

The Unity Party

Why The Unity Party ?

I believe that every citizen can do good things but we are stronger if we work together. We can do better things on that way. Like in the army, a soldier cannot offer a victory, he must receive help from other people who work with him.
The Unity Party is the party where everybody is equal, everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses but working together: The weaknesses disappears and the unity becomes our strength.
The Unity Party is like a family: New and old players are accepted. Everybody has their chance to do great things.

Working together

What I am promising?

Sorry, I'm not one of those people who will promise Hospital, defense system or things like that. I am a realistic citizen.
- I promise to continue to do my best to serve eUK, encouraging battles to occur everyday.
- I will Contact each citizen who live in Yorkshire and Humberside to move to London (Our fortress).
- I will Make some tutorials to help new citizens in our country (like this one)
- Like last month, I will continue to vote every proposal through Parliament and in game, Continue to defend every citizen in our country especially new citizens, helping new players to be active in our beloved country.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto and I wish that you will choose me to continue to represent Yorkshire and Humberside on May 25.
