[TUP] Interview with Party President Candidates - Jan. 2010

Day 784, 14:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ePocalypse

It's that time of the month again where all party members get to vote for the indivual who will lead us through the next month. Your vote is one of the most valuable things you posess in a democracy. Please use it wisely and vote for the person who you believe will do the best job for TUP and even more importantly, for the general public

To help you with this difficult decision, I have interviewed this months candidates. All were sent the questions at the same time and none of the responses have been edited in any way. I hope this article will assist you in making that difficult decision about who gets your vote.

Anyway, enough of this - let's get straight on with the interview:

1. Why do you want to be TUP party president?

Lord Weiis
Ive been with this party for nearly 7 months now, through thick and thin Ive seen it grow and shrink wiht the times. Ive seen it in times of triumph and in times of defeat. I feel its time we had some new and fresh ideas on the table and i would be honored to have the opportunity to step up and take the reins. I also think we need a change of pace and im willing to offer it.

I feel ive got a lot of expreince to give the Party,we had a bad few months in the elections and this party needs to woken up and mobiziled to recapture the glory days.

Iain Keers
TUP is my home, it has always been my home. No matter how far I may wander, those are the people I can relax with, chat with, complain about stuff to. Part of living in a group dynamic is pride in the group. I am unspeakably proud of TUP. When I was young I helped build the party into a juggernaut. Now I look at it and I see TUP at a turning point. It could decline slowly, or it could rapidly accelerate to greatness. Which scenario comes to happen depends on leadership. I have made this party great in the past, I can do it again. Thanks to Mr Woldy, Karacticus, John Forseti and the rest of the party for their warm endorsements. I don't think I could bring myself to do this without their support, but once more into the breach.

2. What qualities do you bring which make you believe that you are the best person for the job?

Lord Weiis
I'm incredibly active, an important skill for any PP, Hard Working, Diligent and finally Passionate about this party. However my best skill i believe is im very organized...im anal if you will. Ask anyone at the MoW, i created a very complicated (though it worked fantastically) system. I also have experience in leadership (3 time Minister)

I would say my Hard Work ethic.I will not rest until a job is done whether it be PMing or wrting an article.

Iain Keers
Experience, intelligence and proven ability. I have slowly become one of the UK's most experienced members, and recently founded an erepublik school to try and gather and pass on knowledge from my peers. That experience spans every aspect of eRepublik and I can feel comfortable leading the party as an expert. I am intelligent about what this role entails. In my first presidency I made it TUP vs. everyone else because that is what we needed then. What we need now is national unity around strong, well known leaders. As Treasurer of Phoenix I can provide that for the party and country. Finally my record speaks for itself. Last time I was PP the party doubled in size and catapulted into the 1st party of Britain. I can make us great once more.

3. How would you describe your current activity and contribution levels within the party?

Lord Weiis
Dangerous Addiction

I would say active,I am always willing to discuss any issues of the day.

Iain Keers
I'm probably consistently the biggest contributor to the party. I'm not going to go into details in a public newspaper, but after dozens of elections, manifestos, policy development sessions, leadership bids... I am active and I contribute a lot.

4. What relevant experience do you have that you believe will help you to run the party successfully?

Lord Weiis
as i said above i have experience in leading a Ministry, which is not a huge leap from leading a Party. I know how to lead a team, how to motivate and inspire a people and how to do what is needed.

I served four times as a congressmen and have served in small goverment positions such as Under Ministers in MoHA last month.

Iain Keers
Well as I said above I was PP twice, and led the party from obscure 3rd party with ill-defined goals to become the mean socialist machine it is today. That took a lot of work, and I learned a lot along the way. After a year, more than half of that in government and in the highest levels of PEACE/Phoenix I feel comfortable taking on the role.

5. TUP are still the largest party in eUK by a fair margin but they do not currently seem to dominate elections like they have in the past. Without giving election strategies away to opponents, please try to explain how you intend to return TUP to the dominating political force that it previously was.

Lord Weiis
We have to once again become the party of the people. We need to get back to our very successful grass-roots strategy of old. We also need to work as a team, to jump higher and to run faster. We need to control the Media to control the government (so to speak)

We need to active Party members,many party members don't take an intrested in elections,I would launch a massive PM campaign to all the members telling about the forums and active them about electon and whats happening.

Iain Keers
I have done this before- I can do it again. Like the question suggests my methods are kept secret to the majority of the public and even the private membership of the party. Electoral wisdom delivers results in a way nothing else can. I can say this though- activity activity activity. We will get new players involved and active so we can retire my generation as soon as possible!

6. Many people will be concerned about the current threat of war on home soil. How will this affect your leadership of the party and what changes, if any, would you like to make to party policy to address the current situation?

Lord Weiis
It will mean we need to start to work with the other parties, closer then ever before. We must put the nation ahead of partisan politics. Our policy would simply to do whatever is needed of us to aid the country. Whether this be financing RW's or making MT's.

I think we need a strong leader at this time of threat and we need to give backing Dish becuae we don't want civil war on the home front.I hope the Navy and rest of the Army is mobilized.

Iain Keers
Obviously war aint pretty. However I have developed (some months ago) methods to maintain contact and coherence within the party even in the event of complete destruction of all regions. There is no party policy that can tackle this threat, other than the commitment to national government and a shelving of political partisanship during the defence of our home. As both a leader and commander of phoenix's armies I can make sure that both the UK and the Party are safeguarded during an assault.

7. In times of war, it’s important to work together as a nation. How will you be able to work to progress the party whilst also working with opponents to help secure the future of our nation?

Lord Weiis
Things like encouraging higher forum activity not only aids the country but aid the party. A smart use of the media to promote our cause as well as the countries.However, we must put country first. No eUK, no TUP.

I think its realtionship of mutal respect we can work as Nation to get this country up there,while also debaing with the other parties

Iain Keers
The strength of our party can only be measured internally, by our cohesion, activity, contribution and leadership of our country. I don't intend to engage with other parties as leader- merely with the individuals who make up those parties. I will of course defend what I think is the best course of action, but my main goal will be internal development not battles with other parties.

8. If elected, what are your key goals for this term?

Lord Weiis
* To reestablish our standard of excellence in CP elections and Congress elections.
* To encourage further debates within the Party forums, and greatly increase activity.
* To further encourage noobs onto our forums.
* To reach out to the members of the party who have failed to maintain activity on the forums.
* To review and possibly rewrite the TUP Constitution to make sure it is still relevant in todays changing world.
* To continue and encourage the great work with the RUP's.
* To establish PM campaigns targeting the eUK and TUP people.

that's about it for now....

3 simple goals : Getting activity UP by Party members,Increase our congress members and our candiate becoming CP

Iain Keers
My goals are:
1000 members
18 congress seats
Re-opening of social companies
News presence daily

These may sound ambitious, but they are entirely possible. Please read my manifesto for more details: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-economist-one-more-time-on-top--1139766/1/20

9. Do you intend to implement any new policies?

Lord Weiis
Yes. Im going to introduce 'Party Advancement Duties.' Their going to be a variety of things people will be strongly urged to do. Most of them will be PMing but some will be writing articles, voting up things, designing things and participating in discussions.
I'm also (this is kinda related to the previous one) going to encourage far greater media exposure.

I think we have a round party discussion on new policies for the party

Iain Keers
My goal as an old man of the party is to create a forum in which these new ideas can be implemented. I have been contributing ideas for a year now- in and out of office. However I am already introducing new ideas and policies to meet the challenge of a less bipolar political scene. My own systems of governance will return, with emphasis on a dream team of congress candidates, a strong and reliable council of advisers, a manifesto built on ideas from the whole party and a review of our constitution. Oh yes, and the Whip. Never forget that 😃

10. Please finish with a paragraph to cover anything else you feel is important and make any closing statements you may have.

Lord Weiis
This is it folks. Time to decide. Where will we go. How will we get there. Who will come. The party's slipped in the past few months, and i wont stand for it. What happened to the glory days, the golden years full of victory and prosperity. Today we stand on a precipice, its dark and cold. The eUK faces invasion on all sides, enemies within as well as at our gates. Now more then ever we must remain United in the face of defeat. In the face of an opposition that grows ever bolder, ever stronger. We must realize that the true opposition does not sit on our right, but opposite us. Our enemies are not the UKRP or the FDP. Nor are they the BEP or RFA. They are the devils that would dare to challenge our freedom. We must work with our British brothers, while advancing the party for the good of the Country. Challenging new heights, new Problems, and with them new solutions. We must cherish the old but also look to the new, the fresh. Together and only together can we conquer the new age, and emerge from the fight triumphant. Now more then ever we must live up to our name, to spread its message, to preach its meaning. Friends, Brothers, walk with me into the new age. Vote TUP, vote Britain, vote Hard Work, vote change.
Vote Lord Weiis on the 15th.
Thank you.

My Manifesto will be coming out soon so hopefully you will all be reading that soon. I promise to listen to the Party members and respects everybodys views and opions.I believe that we can work together as a Party and the Unity will be back to its bet very soon.

Iain Keers
Basically, this is the deal. We are on a cliff edge now. I have always pushed young talent, and hate the idea I am taking the chance to shine from young people by standing. But in this election, I feel that it is crucial we have experience and proven ability at the helm. I'm not wanting dictator for life whatever people say. What I want is a party where the PP can make a few mistakes and it isn't going to leave us nosediving. We aren't strong enough for that yet, and I am going to do my best to make us that way. Voting for me is voting for a strong, successful, and hard-working member of the party who will give the most in any situation and make this party the greatest in history.

.....and that's your lot. Thanks to each of the candidates for giving up their time to answer my questions. Look out for the individual manifesto's for further info. If you're still not sure, then why not contact the candidates directly with any questions you may have.

Please remember to vote and sub 😉

Dan Moir.