[TUP] Democracy is Right and NPF

Day 3,930, 15:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Talon Karrde
The Unity Party: For Democracy and Against Buying Power

My Friends,

Tomorrow brings us the latest congress election. Vote TUP.

Our opponents seek to deceive you and rule you whether you vote for them or not. They have ceaselessly fought to deny you your right to choose who represents you, and have taken half of your tax income in the process. This is intolerable.

A few days ago TUP attempted to secure our freedom by ousting our dictator. We didn't succeed this time but we will keep trying until your right to choose your leaders is once again secure.

To that end I ask you to vote for us tomorrow. We seek to support newer players in their advancement and will ceaselessly criticize those that would remove your democratic right to representation. Our congress list this month has the perfect blend of youth and experience and will demand that our persecutors relinquish their heinous control on our nation.

They may have the strength to control our country militarily, but this party does not believe that might means right. You deserve the opportunity to choose those individuals that represent you.

And now for NPF!

Welcome to this week’s edition of New Player Friday! Each week the Ministry of Education will be posting an article filled with useful information and fun for the whole country.

For those that don’t know, every Friday anyone that has signed up to the eUK receives a message welcoming them and giving them a few missions to complete in order to earn some cash. This has been working really well so far and has definitely upped our retention rates.

This will be continuing, with the addition of these articles to help welcome new players into the eUK community at large. One of their missions will be to comment on this article, and I’d like everyone to get involved in welcoming them and getting to know them as and when they do.

We’ll also be posting links to guides and any programs to help new players, like the NHS. If you have a program you’d like us to include then comment below or send us a PM. We’d be delighted to bring attention to any scheme that helps our newer players!

Some of us have been around for a lot longer than these new players, and we’d like to give a couple of incentives to older players to read and participate in these articles too. So with each article there may be games, competitions, challenges and rewards available too. The bigger the buzz and welcome we can create around these articles the better!

As always: Unity is Strength!

Talon Karrde
President of The Unity Party.