[TUP] Congress and the Like

Day 1,102, 15:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Dear friends,
as we come to the end of an eventful congress elections there are things we should build upon and learn from. Yes, compared to our usual standards the elections results were disappointing however we are still the biggest party in the Commons. It is a testament to the hard work and unity of the party that for so long we have gained majorities and expected the tradition to continue. This elections serves as a reminder we must keep vigilant and utilise our member base to the full. Yes turnout was disappointing but it is a trend that we have seen constantly for a few months and for the rest of the term the emphasis will be on recruiting.

Who needs to be tidy, my party office is an expression of creativity and individuality

Looking forward, for the rest of the term I have planned a steady stream of articles and regular messaging of both the party and unaffiliated players to remind people that we are the party that cares, the party that organises to provide help for them and a party that with them can achieve great success. Both our Food Programme and our Wellness Baskets scheme are doing fantastically with numerous applicants to each since they were relaunched.

Crazed Commie Sir Scott Williamson writing to one of his 'brothers'.

Like every month, we will be contesting the presidential elections and hope to retain the position for a party member this month. Over the past two years the Unity Party has proven that we are fit to govern, our policies of modernisation and practicality have driven eUK society forwards and not let it be dragged down by old traditions and outdated practices. Our candidate will be announced shortly and unlike Jhorlin won't need the support of orgs to get his articles into the top 5, our party represents the people and it is not a matter of who has the most money, but who has the most support and the people of the UK have shown that they back us and trust us to do a good job.

Evil right wing type writer wants to eat your babies

I also wouldn't be particularly worried by a candidate who has based his entire campaign so far on the military yet was removed as head of the military for being a partisan twerp, so there you go. Anyway, thanks for tuning in to read, please vote and subscribe etc etc and rest assured our fantastically brilliant candidate will be announced very soon 😉
