[TUP] All the World's a Stage

Day 1,106, 10:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players”~ William Shakespeare

There is no where that that quote rings true more than in eRepublik. We have been given a brand new world by the admins, a world for us to put our own personal stamp on and achieve greatness and triumph. However, by working together we can definitely achieve a lot more than we could do on our own, and that was evident in the recent London battle. The Unity Party is and has always been a firm believer in co-operation and inclusiveness, whether it has been on an international, national or local level.

Our party has always strived to help players achieve their full potential, no matter how long they have been playing the game or how much money they possess. The best way to achieve this is through bringing people together, giving them tips and advice and encouraging them to continue playing the game. To realise this the nation needs strong leaders, and at The Unity Party we have a fantastic track record of brilliant candidates stepping forward to serve our country. Kevy Shabado is one of these candidates.

Kevy writing one of his awesome population articles

A great guy with an impressive resumé which includes having spent the last month as the Vice President of the eUK which gives him invaluable experience at the heart of government. Serving under Jamesw (who is also the Supreme Commander of the Phoenix alliance) has prepared him for life on the international stage as well as back home in Britain. His population statistics articles have gained him international recognition and a wide readership, he will undoubtedly be known by other presidents before he has even begun the job. Back on the home front he is the current Minister of Home Affairs and has served for many months in the ministry before that and is a congress veteran, giving him a firm knowledge of how the political systems work.

However, behind those impressive credentials is an enthusiastic and extremely bright character. Kevy is well liked because he does not take a part in the mud slinging that so often dominates politics and is the perfect candidate to unite the nation and take us forward into a new era. For his manifestos check his newspaper here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/population-statistics-220920/1

Thanks for Reading, Vote Kevy Shabado on the 5th!
IndieKid~TUP PP