[TTH] Revolutions and Teamwork

Day 2,669, 09:26 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone

Before we begin I wish to state here and now that I DO NOT speak for anyone except myself; I speak only as a 'pop gun' America Soldier of no consequence, I speak only as an insignificant but loyal American; I speak only as an American who believes in America First. As always I encourage each and everyone of you to get involved, but always remember to THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Join the People's party of revolutionary change, Socialist Freedom Party
Join our forums and speak your piece, Socialist Freedom Party Forum
Join the Freedom Fighters in the Bear Cavalry
Head bang with Sixx Sense on 'The Brew' from my hometown, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma....

'The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.' ~James Cash Penney

Terry Bradshaw won four Super Bowl titles in a six-year period, now everyone out there knows that it took a team to obtain those win; the man himself will tell you he would have been nothing without Lynn Swann -without the Immaculate Reception by Franco Harris, which started a Dynasty. Like 'The Catch' by the 49ers Dwight Clark of a Joe Montana pass, which also started a dynasty; sometimes when the moment is right a team just suddenly gels and comes together.

After the traitorous Command Group of the United States Armed Force started a Civil War the 'Unity Dictatorship' unconstitutionally and violently overthrew America, after manipulating Congressional Procedure and using an illegal and unconstitutional Law -which 45+% of Congress opposed; they installed Wild Owl -a former iNCi leader- as Dictator in game. With the support from Congressional Terrorist Kemal Ergenekon and his 'sock puppet' cronies from the 'Black Hole', the 'Unity Dictatorship' has completed their Political Takeover of America -Congress being stripped of ALL in game power; the 'Unity Dictatorship' has handed America over to iNCi terrorist.

It is not teamwork when those in the 'Unity Dictatorship' control America's Congress through bullying intimidation, it is not teamwork when the 'Unity Dictatorship' manipulates Congressional Procedure in order to shove a law down the throats of the 45+% of American Congress Members who opposed the law. The 'Unity Dictatorship' has ruled America's Congress by blacklisting and censuring it's enemies, by PTOing any party which threatened to enter the Top 5 and threaten their balance of power; by labeling anyone who opposes their totalitarian regime as a treasonous 'Enemy of the State' -the easiest way to rule is divide and conquer and they are very good at splintering America.

One of the best ways to build teamwork is community funded Military Units, since 2009 the Bear Cavalry have been 'Freedom Fighters' worldwide against Imperialism and in defense of Freedom. As one of the oldest military units in America, it has been the model for freedom fighting resistance wars across the world and today continues to fight against totalitarianism in America. The moment that has brought Americans to Stand Firmly together is the 'Dictator Law', an unconstitutional law manipulated illegally through the 'Unity Dictatorship' controlled Congress; a change in governmental structure enacted by an illegal and unconstitutional law and not the Constitutional Amendment by a 2/3 or 66% majority as required.

The Bears believe in ensuring Freedom and Democracy for ALL nations, to ensure the sovereignty of all nations for its own people; to ensure a democratically elected government for all nations. We fight to ensure that all Dictatorships and Imperialist aggressions are kept contained so that nations can prosper without having to kowtow to a much bigger enemy. The Bear Cavalry consists of comrades of any background, nationality, or political affiliation so long as they to are willing to fight for the freedom of all. The Bears have always fought to keep America free from any form of invasion from foreign or domestic enemies, sadly during the Civil War the Bears were pitted brother against brother to defend America from the internal aggression of the 'Unity Dictatorship'; the Bears openly support all nations seeking our aid in their struggle for liberation when called upon. Therefore it is Patriotic and not treasonous to defend America's Freedom and Democracy from a Dictator.

If you feel the same and wish to defend Freedom in America then Mon' Amie you belong in the Socialist Freedom Party. If you wish to belong to the 'Freedom Fighters of the Revolution' then Mon' Amie you belong in the Bear Cavalry.

We must Stand Firm, People! Find your voice America and revolt!
Join the Revolution, Defend Freedom and Democracy in America!

C'est la vie, Chérir', n'est-ce pas?
Comrade Franklin Stone
Socialist Freedom Party
Bear Cavalry Trooper
Build A Bear Cadet