[TT] The City-Cadres and on wards

Day 3,668, 19:14 Published in USA USA by Leon Gutierrez

I’d like to bring forth a personal project I’ve done in an attempt to tackle an economic affair within the SFP, and to help expand the party. The idea that I will present to my readers, was formerly known as the “SFP City-cadre” but it has taken some twists and turns that I’ve learned through the months of building up and implementing a prototype of the idea, which may result with a name change in the future; but I’m presenting it now. Near the end of this article I was able to bring in some small yet concrete results and how I’d like to recruit for this effort.

Yet, first I’d like to discuss, what is the point of this cadre, and why a cadre?

Below is an overview of the idea.

Why not make new city-based programs where it models some of the national programs such as; Arms for America or Meals on wheels where Q1 food and/or Q1 guns were given to low-level players based on some boundary, but within our own cities. In doing so, we could do two things through such medium which I think could be helpful in building SFP cadres in cities. We could help gather money through some means , to which we can decide how, to obtain the commodities needed to help new players - or - even the older players like me., and form a tight community of comrades

Thus could be summed up into two objective points:

* Expose the SFP views to people within our respective city's increasing our visibility
* Reel in new party members through active engagement; finding supporters

What’s happened so far:
I decided to give it a shot in Boise, Idaho. The idea was to make weapons under a holding, and begin the employment offers and reeling in new player workers, and start getting them involved in the entire process. Then I realized, I had a Q2 gun factory, and needed at least a Q7 to make any decent profit for weapons and afford the current salary. Thus the short and sweet was I had to scrap it for a while, save up and try my hand at another industry which leads me to the present

Current Situation:
I have opened up a holding called "SFP Housing" in Tallahassee in Florida, where I have 4 workers who are producing Q2 homes. What I have done with that holding and these workers is I have messaged them a report whenever whatever they produce has been sold on the market, detailing how the money was used (i.e where it went), their wages, market conditions etc.

With the profit they produce through their labour, I have funneled that back into Bear Cavalry, for the most part, or some SFP initiative. In their weekly report, I state clearly that, that their work will be to go for building the SFP, to offer assistance to citizens in the city and/or the party program as a whole (such as Jimmy's tanks for tots or BC) and I offer them the ability to apply to those things by giving URLS and the such. I tell them how much the commodity was sold, and how much was made, and what the costs were, and how the profits were used and the contribution impact it made and I make it clear their wages are fluid. Full Transparency here.

What I've learned so Far: It seems the more involved I get in this, the less one can expect using the resident list to pull anything; my stubbornness to see that has lead me to that conclusion but I've learned something that I think will require the idea to adapt, so I'd like feedback.

What I realize😛 Forget the city for a moment, if I go to "online now" and check who's online and message low level players, or party members whose names I did not recall and bring up the cadre job post offering, I could probably get a better outcome - I did. I got 2 responses; both for interest to get involved, work, and make more of a contribution. 1 response from 1 NEW SFP member, a 2nd from a quiet party member.

What I found needed to change: City-building can be a focus, but as optional; until city politics comes into play it is almost forcible to create a SFP Cadre-community in a city. Thus to still get the objectives that this idea was even trying to solve; generalize things more. SFP Holdings will focus on offering opportunities for new players and/or party members who are quiet and may be finding a way to get more involved but don't know how on their own. In addition, we'd still bring in new people and giving a direct helping hand to less vocal members to become more directly involved. Also with these holdings, you could encourage travel to their city's in anticipation. Lastly, make a full transparency report on the week's sale, cost of labour, changes in market, profit, and WHERE the profit went; the workers must know how things are run, full transparency.

From here on out, I’ll continue to develop this idea and continue this initiative but I now speak to my SFP audience here, in that if you are interested in developing a sister effort in another area, or to contribute in some way, please reach out to me and we can brain storm as to what to do. It is time for us to apply our theory into practice.

For those whom are not SFP, I ask , I hope to serve as an example of what we can do together as comrades in arms as a fellow traveler or even as a new party member. The SFP is a revolutionary party that fights to strengthen the worker player, to build comradery and international solidarity for all eWorkers of the eWorld. If this strikes you curious, consider giving our party a second glance.

-Leon Gutierrez

Author's Note: I am looking for those interested in joining me on this effort if it was not made clear. Interested? Message me!

I'll leave this song for all

There is power in a factory, power in the land
Power in the hands of a worker
But it all amounts to nothing if together we don't stand
There is power in a union

This article is also published under the SFP Freedom Writer’s Guild.
Looking for an revolutionary alternative? Look towards the SFP:https://www.erepublik.com/en/party/socialist-freedom-party-3653/1
Come join Bear Cavalry:https://www.erepublik.com/en/military/military-unit/335
Come say hello on our discor😛https://discord.gg/QCZVJYE