[TSV] eUK Political Statistics #21

Day 887, 07:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
Article #43
eUK Political Statistics #21

As today is the congress election day, I have decided to leave out all congress stats in this week’s article, as they’d all be redundant by tomorrow. This will make this week’s article slightly shorter, but next week hopefully I can do an article analysing how parties did; not only with congressmen, but how many congressmen they got in compared to their membership and votes.
You can keep track of how the election is coming along in the eUK here.

Right click and click ‘View Image’ to view a larger version.


TUP growth has stalled for the first time in a while. Meanwhile, the BLU (AKA FDP) continue to lose members and the UKRP, TRS and the SDP grow.

The table for the graph below is above here, thinner by the week.

The above graph shows how the top 10 parties’ memberships have changed over the past several months.


As last week, the PCP is the richest party in terms of the official party bank.

That’s all for this week. It was a bit short because of the lack og congress statistics, but next time will ne regular length.

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PS. Check this out for statistics on population around the eGlobe.